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Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hello guys!
I am a new member and I am very glad to find you.
I bought six months ago a second hand TRIAXIS VERSION 2 with serial number T2902.
It has some problems.
1 In all modes except the recto mode the TREBLE works upside down(I put the TREBLE on 10 and there is no treble and I put it on 0 and there is full treble).
2 Many times(not always) while I am playing it starts to loose its functions
and its voice.To be more specific:
Its overall volume(not the led on master) goes up and down and becomes
It stops change the 2 90 simulclass voices even if the preset says so,or if I order it at the time with the loop switch button.
It stops to listen to my footpedal midi messages for real time parameter changes,but it continues to change the presets correctly from my midi pedalboard.
The problem number 2 doesn't happen always.In my home I have never this problem (many times I have been playing in my home 8 hours without stop and there was no problem)
BUT... in other places that my TRIAXIS has the problem other TRIAXIS don't have.

I must inform you that when I received the TRIAXIS 6 months ago it was in worst situation.It had the problems that I mentioned (1 and 2)plus some others(LEAD 2 DRIVE in LEAD 1 AND RHYTHM MODES,no sound on FX LOOP etc which disappeared 2 months ago without a reason )in every place and always from the time that I was switching it on.
Before about 2 months and with no reason the problem number 2 disappeared in my home.In other places it plays good for about 1 hour and then...... the problem number 2 appears.
The problem number 1 never stop existing.
MESA BOOGIE told me to speak with my local dealer(in Greece).
My local dealer told me that perhaps it is the main board and he wants 1200 euro to replace it,but firstly I don't have the money and secondly he is not sure 100% that it is the main board.My local dealer also told me that
the only other solution is to send it in Germany MESA BOOGIE SERVICE because here in Greece we don't have one.

First of all why did you buy something so fucked up???????
Second only mesa can help you or some good tech near you.
I didn't know that it was f$%^ up.
I couldn't check it and I decided to risk it.
But it was a very bad decision finally.
Hi again!
Last 2 days I play my TRIAXIS in the places I use to play it BUT...
I had a UPS(That's how we call it in Greece),generally speaking UPS does the job of a FURMAN but it has plus a battery in case of a power failure.
There was no problem number 2.
So I think that something inside the TA has become sensitive in the power supply and after about 1 hour of playing,appears the problem number 2.
Any idea?

forgive me for my bad english.