EVM12L equipped 4x12 question

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Monteal - Canada
I have a chance to buy an old Mark series 4x12 with 4 EVM12Ls in it. I'm probably going to suck it up and go drive down there and try it out but I was just wondering if driving 800 watts of speakers could potentially cause a problem. Would I need to be cranking my Mark III all the time for it to sound any good?
it'll sound fine at any volume. The EV is a sensitive speaker compared to most. It's going to be a *heavy* cab.

Skyless7620 said:
I have a chance to buy an old Mark series 4x12 with 4 EVM12Ls in it. I'm probably going to suck it up and go drive down there and try it out but I was just wondering if driving 800 watts of speakers could potentially cause a problem. Would I need to be cranking my Mark III all the time for it to sound any good?
whew!!!!time to get out the weight belt!!!I have an old Mesa halfback with 2ev's and 2 celestions/whenever the tornadoes roll thru, I just cling to it for safety!!4 ev's.....!that is rated safe even in a f-10 twister!!
Its either I get the EVM cab (which is almost mint btw) for 900 or settle for a 4x12 all C90 equipped (mint also) for 650.

If it helps you guys any, my favorite cab I've heard so far is an Orange PPC412HP which is 400 watts and equipped with 4 Celestion K100s ($$ :( ). I like dark sounding cabs, but my Vader 2x12 is currently a bit too dark when it comes to band practice.
If you like dark tones you won't like EVM-12Ls.

EVM-12Ls are relatively strong across the whole spectrum, including the top end. They're not the harsh/raspy bright like some Celestions can get however... I'd describe it as 'clear' sounding. Mesa combined them with the MC-90 because they worked well together... the MC-90 being dark with a strong bottom and low mid grunt and the EVM-12L filling in the details by adding clarity.
Skyless7620 said:
Its either I get the EVM cab (which is almost mint btw) for 900 or settle for a 4x12 all C90 equipped (mint also) for 650.

Buy them both and and swap the speakers so you have 2 EV's and2 C90's in each cab.