Roadster Channel 2 "Brit"............

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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I have tweaked brit mode numerous times but it sounds like **** no matter how I dial it in. It sounds like a poor attempt at the solo heads pushed mode. Do you need to be using EL34 tubes to make brit mode usable? Anyone care to share their settings?.... :)
Crank both the treble and gain controls, and set the rest to taste. If you need a cleaner tone, turn down the gain, keep the treble fairly high, and tweak the rest of the controls till you are happy...
kingster911 said:
Are you trying to use Brit for cleans or a more crunchy sound?

I've been trying to use it for a crunch sound, however, If I continue to have no success I might see how it sounds used as an alternate clean. I'm just trying to find a use for channel 2. :)
KH Guitar Freak said:
Crank both the treble and gain controls, and set the rest to taste. If you need a cleaner tone, turn down the gain, keep the treble fairly high, and tweak the rest of the controls till you are happy...

I'll give it a shot thanks..... :)
I run 6L6's and love channel 2 Brit. I don't really crank the treble either as it starts to bring out an unpleasant high mid frequency. If your trying to get a really crunchy sound out of that mode I'm not sure you'll get there. I run the gain up pretty high with the treble at around 1:30-2:00. The key is to run the mids pretty high to fatten the tone back up (and add more gain). The bass can run pretty high too but you need to balance it against the mids so it doesn't get muddy. Keep at it and don't be afraid to try some crazy settings using your ears and not your eyes. It took me a while to get that mode to work for me
i also had trouble getting a good AC/DC like sound out of channel two brit mode. it was always to thin and harsh sounding to me. so i decided to try channel one tweed mode with gain all the way up and dial in a decent clean tone on channel two fat mode.
and guess what, i´m really happy with it now. btw. i´m using EL34s but brit never did it for me. tweed with the gain all up gives a cool crunchy sound.
I had to almost dime the gain and use a boost pedal on it when I had my Roadster.

It was pretty bright and sharp sounding on it's own, a boost pedal definitely helped it out at least for me.
I did not care for Channel 2 Brit with 6L6's. Right now I'm running KT77's and love the Brit tone. I find it a bit too thin for my liking with the bridge humbucker though, so I use the neck humbucker, which thickens things up and gives me a nice Brit tone. I lay off the volume for Zep kind of stuff. I like keeping the gain pretty heavy on this channel and manipulating the volume on the guitar.

I don't like channel 2 Brit for AC/DC stuff. I found that Channel 3 raw works better for that brand of tone.

For what it's worth, I do not like using diodes on Channel 2 Brit. I think the rectifier mode works a lot better for this mode/channel.
My problem with "Brit" has always been that it sounds very muffled and congested, almost has a blanket over the speaker type effect. No matter what I do, what tubes I use, etc...I can't quite seem to dial it out. I think the "Raw" mode is what I wish that "Brit" sounded like.
Silverwulf said:
My problem with "Brit" has always been that it sounds very muffled and congested, almost has a blanket over the speaker type effect. No matter what I do, what tubes I use, etc...I can't quite seem to dial it out. I think the "Raw" mode is what I wish that "Brit" sounded like.

Do you have EL34s? If you do, try out the following settings: Master at 9:30, Presence at noon, Bass at 2:00, Mid at 10:30, Treble at 1:00, Gain maxed. I usually run this mode at 100 watts and diode rectification. I don't really like the congested low-end sound I get from the tube rectifiers with this mode at really high volumes.

With stock Mesa preamp and power tubes (EL34s), I get some very usable tones from these settings. Don't expect it to be high gain though. Its more of a Vox/Hiwatt/JTM-45 pushed, crunchy sound. Actually, these settings are more in line with a "tweed" sound that I can remember from playing other tweed clone amps. These settings also work well with some time-based effects.

Hope it helps.
GuitarGuy503 said:
kingster911 said:
Are you trying to use Brit for cleans or a more crunchy sound?

I've been trying to use it for a crunch sound, however, If I continue to have no success I might see how it sounds used as an alternate clean. I'm just trying to find a use for channel 2. :)

Use channel 2 for your clean channel and use channel 1's tweed mode for dirtier stuff.
Thanks, Boston. I've tried just about all settings imaginable and countless tubes, including a few different sets of 34's. I've just come to the conclusion that the voicing itself doesn't gel with me. Same with "Tweed" to a degree. I think the presence just sits a little low for me.
Wish I could've helped you in your tone quest Silverwulf. Perhaps you'll have to part ways with your Roadster if you aren't getting what you want from it.
BostonRedSox said:
Wish I could've helped you in your tone quest Silverwulf. Perhaps you'll have to part ways with your Roadster if you aren't getting what you want from it.

No worries, I just can't get used to the voicing of the amp. It's a little dark for my tastes, and I can't quite find a complete use for Channel 2. I'm going to try to move it and pick up a Multi-Watt Dual and see how that goes. I think it might suit me better. My complaints right now are that it's too dark and smooth, not enough "hair" on the presence, and I have no need for the 4th channel. The Multi-Watt is brighter with a different range in the presence, and it basically gets rid of the 4th channel I'm not using, so it might be a win-win scenario for me. It doesn't have Lonestar cleans, but I'd rather have a brighter and more aggressive amp than a better clean channel.

Of course underneath it all, my 2 Channel Dual will always be my go-to amp, haha. I'm just looking for a modern Recto to compliment it for live use.
Channel 4 does give you more presence on tap. Nonetheless, the new Dual Rectifier still has more top end than the Roadster, which the latter is smoother and darker sounding...
You may have to go with the Multi-Watt then Silverwulf. From what you've written it seems like the best amp for you in Mesa's current lineup. The only amp I'd consider you to check out otherwise would be the Royal Atlantic. Perhaps you should wait for that amp to hit stores. I think the Mark V will probably be too compressed for your rhythmic needs if you want lots of presence and hair on your chords. Its also a different amp in that it is very, very tight and not as big sounding as the Rectos for rhythm guitar passages.

I know that you can get some more presence going with channel 4 on the Roadster, but it definitely won't get you that classic Dual Recto buzz that many like.
BostonRedSox said:
You may have to go with the Multi-Watt then Silverwulf. From what you've written it seems like the best amp for you in Mesa's current lineup. The only amp I'd consider you to check out otherwise would be the Royal Atlantic. Perhaps you should wait for that amp to hit stores. I think the Mark V will probably be too compressed for your rhythmic needs if you want lots of presence and hair on your chords. Its also a different amp in that it is very, very tight and not as big sounding as the Rectos for rhythm guitar passages.

I know that you can get some more presence going with channel 4 on the Roadster, but it definitely won't get you that classic Dual Recto buzz that many like.

Oh, I had a first run Mark V...I've had a lot of Boogies, haha. I'm content with my 2 Channel Recto, just looking for a modern Recto to add to the stable for more options live. I don't think the Royal Atlantic would suit me much.