Mark V with extra EQ pedal for soloing.

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Po Cherry

New member
Dec 3, 2009
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My idea here is to use the Graphic Eq for my Ch.3 rhythm, and an external Eq pedal for soloing with the Graphic eq turned off. Has anyone tried this with good results? I suppose having a separate Mark V for soloing would be ideal, but I really don't feel like selling a kidney anytime soon :lol:
I use to do this on a different amp but with my MV, I find using the solo button along
with the guitar's volume knob works wonders.

If you want to use an EQ in the loop for soloing not because you want to get a volume boost, but because you want to change your sound, consider this alternative (it's what I do):

For rhythms on channel 3, I use a high output bridge pickup with the GEQ on.

For leads, I switch to a midrange-heavy, smooth neck pickup with the GEQ on. I sometimes add a touch of smooth overdrive in front.

The result is that without turning on and off the GEQ or using a second EQ, I can get two very distinct tones from channel 3.

I also keep a subtle chorus in the loop, which sometimes I turn on for leads (along with some delay). I normally hate chorus with distorted guitar, but I've got an MXR stereo chorus, which has EQ controls for the effect. It allows you to dial in a very smooth sound (with an attenuated, rounded high end) and keep the effect subtle.