DR 3ch series fx loop mod...lose solo?

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Jun 1, 2006
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I am thinking about modding my 3 channel dual rectifier from the parallel fx loop to series. I found this schematic from a previous posting.


I have read that if you do this mod on these 3ch amps that you lose the SOLO boost function. I am pretty familiar with electronics repair/schematic reading and from the best I can tell....according to this schematic you would not lose the solo boost function.

Maybe there is a different mod...but to me this looks like it will work.

Anyone have any experience with this?[/img]
Yeah I did the mod and the sound difference is substantial. I didn't do the mod as the picture states though. What I did is just lift the wire that goes from the wiper of the send pot to leg 3 of the mix pot and that essentially does the same thing. the only down side is that you need to have the mix pot all the way up. It is much less evasive and an easier mod than is stated. I am thinking about adding push pull pot on one of the send or mix pots in order to switch between series or parallel loop, but as far as i'm concerned series is the way to go.