Studio preamp footswitch powered?

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Jul 18, 2011
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I know can test this, but am curious if any one already knows if the Studio Pre circuit is designed such that the amp will power an LED with a footswitch, via the footswitch cabling without a battery. The Mesa Boogie branded footswitch has a battery for the LED so that made me wonder. I am just planning to make a new Footswitch, I've used a DIY one for years without an LED.

thanks in advance.

currently using: Mesa Boogie Studio Pre

had & sold: Triaxis, F30
No answer in time against my curiosity, so I had tested it and the answer is yes.
If you are looking for a schematic to make a simple Rhythm/Lead switch with LED, pm or post.
Just used search to find this thread. cool.

My Studio Preamp came to me 2 weeks back with only a Reverb fsw, with no LED fitted, buts its a genuine Mesa one; looks old and grotty on the bare metal of the box. The Reverb fsw will also change Lead/Rythym channels ok. The selector button on the front panel of the PA, labelled "Lead Mode", enabling footswitch channel switching has to be "On".

Next, I obtained a Mesa Lead/Rythym fswitch thru feebay, identical to this one:

It has the red LED, whereas the my matching Mesa Reverb fsw does not. It says "Red = Rythym"

Okay, so yesterday it arrived and I tested the item, the R/L fsw - I plugged into the Studio PA.

The LED on the fsw works/it glows red and goes off when I depress the fsw ------ but on the PA, channel switch function does not happen.

Maybe the footswitch hardware is old and faulting. Feels positive when you switch it. How would I test it?

Also, I'm wondering what the original Studio PA R?L fsw is like. Does it have the LED? Do I have an incorrect channel fsw?
I found a website that sell Mesa fsw and -according to them- I have the correct Lead/Rhythm fsw:

The fsw is also used on Mesa Caliber series amps.

So, it must be that the fsw I got is faulting.