Retubing a 2:90 and Triaxis...

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
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I'm planning on retubing both devices. (I contacted Mesa and they said not to worry about the 12AX7's inside the 2:90.) My plan was to retube the Triaxis with standard JJ's but I'm not sure about the 6L6's. I've read every post I could find and contacted The Tube Store and Tube Depot. I'm looking for an all around yet robust, low noise replacement for the stock Mesa 440's. It was suggested to try the Tung Sol. Can anybody shed light on this matter? I guess I'm trying to avoid "over buying" on the power tubes. I practice a few times a week and rarely push the gain the 2:90 or Triaxis. I play mostly smaller venues. As you can see, I'm not as sophisticated or as tone critical as some of the members here. All I'm looking for are sound suggestions. Thanks!
I found that JJs muddy up the tone of a Triaxis. TungSol are definitely much better. I prefer a combo of Telefunken in the clean RHY sockets (I think it's V1) then TungSols V2 thru V4. Ruby's (or stock Mesa pres) are good too. I didn't much like the JJ pres. Too muddy. JJs in the power section of a 2:90 are nice though.
the mesas come with mesa branded tubes...they are voiced based for those tubes, and yes...they are a bit more expensive, and yes they are just re-branded Electro Harmonix tubes...i recently retubed my 2:90...and basically just went with the 6l6gc str440's and while i feel like its a bit brighter and sure its due more to the fact that the tubes are newer.

back in the day i cheaped out on 6l6's for my peavey ultra and i often wonder if it would love that amp more with better tubes.

NOW....when dealing with 12ax7's....again, mesa reccomends strax7's for the v1 postion...the str's are just double checked for quality and hand picked to be quieter as thats the most critical position. but i would say that 12ax7's could be bought from your vendor of choice as they arent really handling high voltage, and can be used to tailor your sound a bit more....

Good lUck!