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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Saylorsburg, PA
The band I'm in has been together for about 4 months. We have played 2 shows just recently. Basically, we are just starting out. We have about a half hour set. A few of the members decided it'd be a good idea to get us on a show out of state, 7 hour drive round-trip, where we have to PAY TO PLAY. $300 to enter, they give us tickets to sell and somehow we keep the ticket $$.

Now, we are 3 1/2 hrs away from the venue, no one knows us, rarely anyone will likely travel with us to the show. I feel this is a bad idea, and a waste of probably $500. Thats all our band fund plus some.

I'm sure we'll discuss it at practice tonight, but apparently the show is already confirmed. It probably isnt too late to back off, but if 3 out of 5 members are all for it, I really cant do much.

Any thoughts/insight?
Is it a "big" place that would really help the band? I can see doing that to get exposure at a place like the whiskey, but if it's a local dive then hell no!
I'm not even quite sure what the venue is. I think it is something kind of big. But is it worth losing all our band fund for not really knowing the turnout? I wouldnt care if it was local and we had a chance of selling 30 tickets to friends that will come out, but no one in their right mind will travel 3 1/2 hours with us to watch us play at this point. I guess its 3 vs 2 on this one, and we'll most likely end up doing it. Apparently I'm the one who thinks all their ideas are bad.....maybe Im a negative prick? Or maybe Ive been thru this before and just want the best for the band in the long run?
If your band decides to do it, then the outcome is negative, consider it a lesson in life, or an experience. But if it's not too late to pull out, then pull out.
For a brand new, basically unknown band far from doesn't sound like a recipe for success. But best of luck to you, if you're committed.
Professional musicians started the musicians union to keep crap like this from happening. What a huge load of BS it is where bands have to PAY to play. They should be paying you guys instead. Sounds like a ploy to rip off a bunch of desperate teenagers, as far as I can tell. DON'T play the gig. Instead, work your asses off. Write good music, refine your music, and cut a proper demo. Make a press kit and go looking for work when you are good and ready. It pays to be in a position to take a proper opportunity when it becomes available. In my opinion, this seems like a bit of a scam to me. Yes, if you know fifty to one hundred people who can go, that is great. If not, boo urns! I mean the idea here is obvious. The show organizers don't want to lose money so the cash up front payment ensures that their butts are covered. The problem with it is that you are PAYING to use your skill. IF you can get connections from the event, great, but it doesn't look like that is a possibility as of now!

I personally think the 'rock star' approach is stupid. Fans, draw, successful shows. CRAP! It is better to take the mindset of a working musician. You provide a service (music) that people are willing to pay for. I think the people that gig locally around the city honestly make way more money than 90% of stupid teenagers signed to major labels. Sign with label, prepare to get sucked dry and have the disintegrating husk of your project crumble by the side of the road as the ******* vultures drive away. I'm so glad the major labels are all suffering right now. It is about time there is a sizable crack in their fetid conglomerate monopoly.
don't do it. tell your bandmates hell no! you will waste your time, blow your money. all for a 30 minute set in an unknown venue. what's that, 5-6 songs? You gonna pay 100 bucks per song to play out somewhere? you would do better in the back yard. call some friends. have a cookout. record it. post it to youtube.
thunda1216 said:
don't do it. tell your bandmates hell no! you will waste your time, blow your money. all for a 30 minute set in an unknown venue. what's that, 5-6 songs? You gonna pay 100 bucks per song to play out somewhere? you would do better in the back yard. call some friends. have a cookout. record it. post it to youtube.
Awesome advice. Beer and BBQ makes for an awesome backyard show. YOu could probably rent a decent sound system for $300, play three sets, and make money on the food and booze!!
bad idea unless your opening for a popular national act. (even then not the wisest of choices) spend the money on improving your product, buying merch, ect. not lining some doucebag`s pockets. been there done that :roll: and if you can`t sell the tix, they don`t taste too good :wink:
Pay-to-play is a system set up to rip off wanna-be-rockstars who're too stupid to realize they're getting snowed.

Long story short, develop a product and hook up with a booking agent who'll market you to people willing to buy it.
Don't do it you are just wasting money that could be going towards promo material (demo disc, fliers, stickers, etc). Ask your band mates what they hope to accomplish with the show. Is there even a promo plan? Do you guys even have a proper press/promo kit?

IMO Paying to play shows desperation to get out and gig. You would be better off taking some time to get out in your local scene first to support some local bands and start networking. Sooner or later you will develop working relationships with different bands where you can trade gigs and book shows yourself.

Have patience.

Monkey see, monkey do -- I don't know why
I Walk around, follow you -- I don't know why
I Throw it out, keep it in -- I don't know why
I Have to have poison skin -- I don't know why

I Pay
Pay to play

Walk an inch, take a mile -- I don't know why
I Never faded, never smiled -- I don't know why
I Never mind, eat and run -- I don't know why
I **** your ***, for the fun -- I don't know why

I don't know why I Pay
Pay to play
I did a pay to play show once and ONLY once. The guy organizing it was in highschool and he was aiming the show at highschool wannabe rock stars. He rented an outdoor theater stage and some guys to do sound and took the $30 a band or whatever it was to cover his costs. Good thing he did, since we were out in a park with kids when one of the stupid teenager bands got up and started cussing every second word. Needless to say, the show got shut down and we didn't even get to play. Lame!!!
Just like how desperate guys get stuck with beached whales of women, (Unless you like that sort of thing) desperate musicians take it the hard way. If you aren't good enough to get decent shows, you need to be practicing more. Oh and yes, networking and meeting people is THE most important part of getting anywhere as a musician. Ultimately, your friends will call you first when you need someone. You know, my band got offered an awesome venue once (before we dissolved) and I declined because I felt we weren't ready. Truth be told, we were WAY behind working through the obligatory cover tunes for that sort of a gig and certain individuals **coughsingercough** weren't putting the work in. Sorry guys, I'd rather maintain my credibility with my contacts than make an *** of myself.
well, we have demos, a myspace, press kit, all that fun stuff. Promotion is going pretty well. Networking...well, we've only played 2 shows, but we've all been in bands in the same are for the last 10 or so years, so we have quite a few connections already. I'm at the point now where I want to get this thing moving, but I want to take my time and do it right. These guys just dont see the big picture and think we can just jump on shows out of state and expect a good turnout.
300$ WTF I would say hell to the no. They should be paying you (at least gas money) to come and play out. Thats what most promoters would do in the metalcore/hardcore scene. If you're one of the opening bands and you came from out of state/a few hours away then the promoter of the show would hook you up with some cash at least for gas money. So I say no.
well, I guess they came to their senses and we cancelled the show.

We just played The M-Room in Philly last weekend....decent turnout. The old guitarist from Kitty was there announcing the bands. Some indie label guys and whatnot. People seemed to really dig us. Partied hard in the hotel room afterwards.....drunken wrestling....singer thrown into pool with phone in pocket...trying to fight people....crazy times haha.

A few pics.


They had the bright idea to all wear these "TEAM DUDE"/Big Lebowski shirts....

the FACE....HAHAHAH!!!



Glad they came to their senses mate, nice pics too, looks like you guys rocked it up big time!
thanks guys! it was a really fun weekend, to say the least!

Yeah. we've got a decent amount of shows coming up for only being like a 5 month old band. most progress I've ever seen come out of a band that I've been in, honestly. Sucks I didnt take the Mark IV to the show....been rocking the 5150 for a while as I dont have a road case for the MK and was afraid it would get banged up on the trailer ride.