older 2 channel dual rectifier series loop mod needed

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Heir To Oblivion

New member
Sep 18, 2011
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I have searched and searched for directions on how to loop mod my 2 channel dual rectifier but have only found posts for the later models with the mx knob - mine has the send level knob on back and Loop Active Master knob on front- I am new to the board so hello all and any info will be greatly appreciated.
Ok - I found a post where someone said that this was a series loop. My problem is that when I hook my ISP Decimator into the fx loop it acted like an extra volume knob with no gating at all. so I messed with the send level and loop active master settings and this is what I found : send level at 4 and loop active master at 9 o clock I get gating but you can still hear the dry signal very faint in the background. Before I had the send level @5 and the loop active master dimed and the decimator acted like an extra master volume with no gating at all. Is there any way to completely remove the dry signal ?