My tone and rig - Silverburst and Dual Rec UPDATED PICS!

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Sounds pretty good.. the beginning was painful to watch with all the pedals and shakey camera action.

I just skipped ahead.. the clean tone sounded more or less right on from my memory. The distorted tone was a bit brittle sounding to me, but that is probably just the mic on your camera.. lead tone sounded pretty good as well. A bit too "effecty" for me, I prefer a pretty dry lead sound, a touch of reverb and delay is enough for me.

Since I skipped the part with your setting cuz the camera was annoying me..what do you run all your knobs at?
hahah sorry about that.. I was going to reshoot the whole thing when I saw how shaky it was.. but my camera died >.>" In any case, the settings go like this

treble - its at about 3 30
Mids - nearly 5 30
bass - about 2

gain - about 12 30
master - 9

I also have EL34s in it.. and its on the bold setting : )
I won't lie, that's one of the best sounds I've heard anyone get out of a 3ch rectifier. It was very throaty and not too fizzy.
Elpelotero said:
I won't lie, that's one of the best sounds I've heard anyone get out of a 3ch rectifier. It was very throaty and not too fizzy.

Thank you : )

Believe me.. I've spent hours messing around with setting and things.. I'd probably be a lot better at playing the guitar if I'd spent that time learning new songs or something >) But the sound is important too right? : )
Those seem like some extreme settings, but I've never tried a 3ch DR, so maybe it works.

Have you tried running a boost and setting the controls closer to mid-way? 3:30 for treble seems awfully high...
Your tone is live and clear enough to cover. Anyone guessing should see the other post where you run through it all without explanation.

Tips would be: record with a different mic other than the cam mic. Videos are great, but the sound is what you want to show off. Use a good mic that sounds good played back to you. Just post mp3's for the quality. Video mp4s and youtube make the sound change, and the cam mic can't handle all of what you are doing.

Changing your settings before upgrading your recording situation will not sound good to you. Upgrade your recording situation before you start turning more knobs.
Yeah I know that I have to upgrade on the recording equipment, badly. My dad (who is a producer) is helping me set up recording equipment in our basement, and when its up and running, I'll definitely record some higher quality recordings : ) Thanks for all the compliments and help guys : )
Enough people have asked now for pics of my settings .. so.. I will deliver : )

In these pics it looks like the treble is fully max'd out.. its not quite.. the most important part of my tone comes from the Equalizer pedal and the send and receive knobs for the FX loop.. at least in my opinion.

Another biggy though, is the kind of strings I use.. most people say strings don't make much of a difference.. but I've gone through 20 different sets to find the ones I like the most.. and the ones that I thought gave me the best Tool sound were Ernie Ball 9 - 42's Fairly thin strings.. but in my opinion, they work best. Anywho.. now for the pics





wow nice man, yeah Ive got a mark IV, getting some good tones out of that thing, but Its time to upgrade my warmoth guitar. How many silverbursts did you try? Im looking at the standard gibson LP silverburst, the one that doesnt have the silver in a tear drop shape, and I was wondering how much you spent on that thing, cuz us poor ppl gotta mind their money.

good tone tho, but dude get a diff mic for the cab, even a 100 bucksll get you an infinitely better tone on the video.
I spent 3400 on it X) Its all I have for the rest of.. this year and next.. and yes.. I seriously need a better mic.. that is definately true. >D In any case.. I tried the other kind of silverburst.. its still nice, but I liked the custom better and since I had the money.. I shell'd out for it.