MARK V solo knob and Petrucci

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2013
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I was just wondering how or why?

If you look at any/most Mesa Boogie Mark V videos with John or any/most of his rig breakdown videos, all have his output knob at 11ish and the solo knob pegged, maxed out.

Question: I have a MARK V and if you did this, the paint would peal from the walls and birds would fall from the sky.

So, Is the knob just maxed for looks? This can't be a solo boost because it is like wide open and huge volume jump.
Is it modded for something? Is there some cosmic bleed that makes it better with solo knob cranked?

Please, any light on this, or maybe it is just my MARK V.. or try it and see, don't blame me for hearing loss..

look at any You tube video, all Mark V heads in is rack are like this, even his latest studio vid...
APEMAN said:
... on some backstage video he states that he loves to do this joke all the time...

I doubt that JP uses the solo function on stage....

Imagine if some roadie decided to play a joke of his own and remove the cable from the channel 2 jack and put it in the solo jack... One deaf Petrucci as soon as he tries to switch to his rhythm sound.
farren said:
APEMAN said:
... on some backstage video he states that he loves to do this joke all the time...

I doubt that JP uses the solo function on stage....

Imagine if some roadie decided to play a joke of his own and remove the cable from the channel 2 jack and put it in the solo jack... One deaf Petrucci as soon as he tries to switch to his rhythm sound.

I'm sure the roadie wouldn't find it funny when he wasn't on the tour anymore.
I realize he uses the loop with the amount of effects he runs.........but at the time of the pic something wasn't right. If he was recording he can add effects later. The manual says that is what they intended for HB. So maybe he records that way. Very few record effects while they record.
It's possible, but while purely software plugin effects in the studio are powerful, by nature not all types of effects (eg. modulation) work best when applied as post-processing. It's likely he either uses a bit of both in the studio, or he's fully adapted his tones to having the loop active and doesn't use hard bypass. He cares about tone, but has so many ways to sculpt it that he may not get as bogged down by some of details that we obsess over. For example, he uses plain ole Mesa tubes in his Vs. He also uses other amps in the studio with different loop circuits (he still loves his IIC+s).

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