Mark iii 300 series loaded blue stripe value?

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May 19, 2015
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What ye say? Long time lurker here but have not seen a price in 5 years. I recently saw one on ebay that needed a new transformer?? 2 k or so and road hard..thought I saw where one went for 4k on ebay or someone was asking that for one or something...did they make a red, green, purple or black coli? What is a good/fair price in 2015? TIA!
That is awesome. What price might you put on it, (and expect to sell it at!) if it were for sale today? They seem so rare in the sale bin..
Aha. I guess the only reason you may not want one is that they are too loud, but out of 500 series 300 made there were only 80 something mark 3 striped versions. Seems rare so that's good, and they are awesome amps...there is one on cl now iib version for 1500 asking...
I honestly can't put a price on letting either of mine go, but a few years ago, the price had jumped quite a bit. I bought both of mine at a steal, and nowadays, I see the advertised at $3k and even up to $4k, but that's most likely a dude that doesn't really want to sell it -- he's being forced to sell it.

Yes, hey are capable of going EXTREMELY LOUD, but they sound amazing at lower volumes too. The tone is great no matter what the volume is set at, and the only thing that you'll lack (with 4x12s) is the speakers moving. That's it.
Thanks fellas, I must say I found my own true value and acquired this bb to mate with the blushing bride: a tasty vintage mesa cab loaded with a fender 12f' and an evm12l..rock on loud!

Approaching Mesaland...


The take:



The new bride:
