Dilemna with Originals

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Machine Gun

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
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You certainly have to find the right people don't you. I know it's tough. I think it really does take the right combination of people to make it work, obviously. Most folks probably struggle with the wrong members for a while before finding what works.

I'm not in a band anymore, but when I was, I realized you really have to be like a family and really trust you're ideas with who you're with. It can be hard enough just doing covers.

Good luck!
i think with today's technology, you can overcome some of that by becoming a 1 man band, but that sucks *** compared to the true passion of playing in the unchartered territories...there is something indeed special about "falling down the staircase and landing on your feet", as ed put it back in the day-if the original stuff has merit, and you are playing with "seasoned" musicians, then it should be a natural thing...i think the less people, the better...a 3 piece seems like a fertile starting point for original stuff...but, a lot of cats want to ultimately "play out..be seen, have a Myspace page", etc...and originals cramp that style in many "venues"-hell, George, bring that *** down here(along with that +), and we will chart our own course!!!
I don't really have that issue

I usually wait too late into the jam session to bring up originals, usually by that time we are too stoned and faded off perscription painkillers and just do simple covers :oops:
I try to avoid doing covers unless it's just for fun in a jam session. I'm fortunate enough to be in two bands whos members feel the same way as I do.