Subway Blues advice?

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Apr 6, 2014
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I have a chance to purchase a Subway Blues amp for $340. Is this a good price? Seller claims amp is in good condition, and it looks clean in the photos, but I probably wont be able to put it thru the paces as this will be a grab and go after a decent drive. My thought is I can take to a tech for any needed repair, and if the price is great I can't go wrong. My 50W single rectifier is built like a tank, so its hard to imagine the amp having too much wrong with it. Is this a run get it now price? I need a small amp to take to coffee house gigs, and my 50W on top of my 4X12 cabinet scares people when I show up :p. All thoughts and comments appreciated. thanks!
That sounds like a steal from what I've seen over the years. I've never purchased one of those, but I've glanced at them and I feel like I've never noticed one below the $500-600 range on eBay.

I got a Mesa Studio Preamp once that ended up having a few weird issues and I set it directly to Mesa for repairs. I think they charged me around $120 to replace a few components inside of it. I thought it was a pretty fair price though. Having to deal with the cost of shipping it to them was the only bummer.

That'd be an awesome coffee house amp. I find myself in the same situation a lot. I'm only rolling in a 2x12 with my Roadster on it, but even that really scares people. Before I had my 2x12, I agreed to play guitar at a friend of mine's church and came walking in with my 4x12. You can image the looks I got from all the older folks :lol:
Well, it's probably a bit late for this post.

You want the Subway Blues version that has the single input jack and the Fat/Bright switch. The earlier version with the two input jacks had some serious problems with noise.

If this is the older one and it has been back to Mesa (receipts are your friend) then it's probably OK.

I have the later version, just got it. I paid quite a bit more than $340 but I got a closet queen with a padded heavy canvas cover.

The speaker sucks, I have a mutant Peavey Scorpion in mine. It has the stock 10" basket and the magnet from a 12" Scorpion Plus. I front mounted the speaker, gives more room for bass response and keeps the magnet away from the reverb tank.

Yesterday I was jamming on it for the first time and it sounded fantastic. We were outside, just for fun I cranked it and everybody was stunned by the volume and tone. The speaker upgrade made a HUGE difference in an otherwise great amp.

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