LSS Extra Drive Footswitch

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Leroy the Massochist

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
I am finding that I am using the flexibility of Channel 2 drive and Channel 2 extra drive more and more. Has anyone, is there a risk, in modifying the amp to use one of the spare footswitch holes in the back to replace the little toggle switch for controlling the extra drive on Channel 2.

Sometimes I forget to flick the switch until a song starts and it can be a little embarrassing trying to flick the switch in the middle of a guitar intro riff, a footswitch would be soooo easy, I have no electrical knowledge but this must be an easy mod.
I thought about this awhile back but never did have the chance to look into the chassis. Plus I didn't want to void the warranty. It depends, if the sw and jack are soldered into the pcb then it may be a little tough. If there're wires running from the sw and jack to the pcb then it should be simple to re-wire.