How would you clean a dusty speaker?

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Apr 12, 2009
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The Whole Planet Houston
Besides cranking the crap out of the amp of course!!! 8)

I have a Mesa 4x12 cab w/ Metal Grill that has been in storage for a while and the speakers have accumulated what can best be described as gunk. I was tempted to either blow them out w/ compressed air or go over the speakers lightly with a dry paint brush to get the excess gunk off.

Is this not recommended? I'm not sure how brittle older speakers can be.
DRG14 said:
I was tempted to either blow them out w/ compressed air or go over the speakers lightly with a dry paint brush to get the excess gunk off.

Just do not get too close with the air nozzle.......the air (from a distance) along with a light brushing (soft brush bristles)should work well. I would not worry about getting every little last spec. It will not affect the tone. Just be careful and you should be OK. 8)
Good luck! :D
i've used a vacuum-cleaner w/a brush attachment with some success in the past.

DRG14 said:
Besides cranking the crap out of the amp of course!!! 8)

I have a Mesa 4x12 cab w/ Metal Grill that has been in storage for a while and the speakers have accumulated what can best be described as gunk. I was tempted to either blow them out w/ compressed air or go over the speakers lightly with a dry paint brush to get the excess gunk off.

Is this not recommended? I'm not sure how brittle older speakers can be.
The shiny area at the edge of the cone is sticky and attracts dust. Don't try to be OCD and get it squeaky clean - you'll just damage the cone. I wouldn't use a vacuum or compressed air, unless it's the canned stuff for computer keyboards. Use a soft (unused, not stiff) paint brush. :D
I use a vacuum and a 2 inch soft paintbrush. Works great for dusty chassis, in between knobs you car vents, speaker cones, you name it. Works great.
Plug it in and rail it for about an hour :twisted: Or soft "Paint"style brush and computer air.
I can't really see that any sort of dust you could just brush off would be enough to mess with the tone. I put the grill back on and forget it.

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