Compressor Pedal

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Aug 6, 2009
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I am thinking of getting either the Carl Martin or JoeMeek FloorQ Compressor pedal for my Lone Star Special. It is for my Strat playing classic rock and Pop with a little Country music for 99% home studio use.
I was hoping for some advice on which is the better pedal. I was wondering what does
"optical" in this case mean. Would a rack compressor be the better choice?
Thank you for your advice and assistance.
You definitely want to check out the Keeley Electronics Compressor pedal. I know several people that use them and swear by them. Check out Harmony Central reviews too. All their stuff is very well done.
Having tried a handful of compressors over the years (Ibanez, Boss, MXR, BYOC), my favorite is still the Carl Martin because of its transparency. My only gripe about it is that it runs on AC power, so it requires a little more accommodation at gigs.

Thank you for the info. So I guess noone has tried the JoeMeek FloorQ Compressor pedal?
The Barber has a mix knob that allows the wet signal to mix with the compressed signal in the amount you specify... THAT is the key imho. I can "tell" the pedal EXACTLY how much compression I want. I have owned TONS of GREAT compressors over the years and the Barber is in a class of it's own.
I have only tried a handful of compressors but I'm now using the Keeley 4 Knob compressor and I'm loving it. Huge range of compression sounds but I basically have my one setting and just leave it there. It's pretty much always on.
I also have a barber tone press. It's amazing, I pretty much just leave it on all the time and it evens out all my little inconsistencies... I love it.
What are we up to, like +5 on the Barber Tone Press now? I luurrve mine!