Whats the Diff between an older black face Duel Rec and

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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and a newer 3 channel? Sound wise? Gain?

I have a chance at a friend of mines older 2 ch duel with the black face. He traded it in on a Bogner Ecstacey and It's got me thinking.
Unfortunately it seems my server/host went down recently and my website where I explained all this in detail is no longer available.

However, the argument is one of tone vs. flexibility.

The 2ch amps have a much clearer, smoother, organic tone, whereas the newer 3ch amps have more options that make them great for live playing. But they have a stiffer, fizzier tone.

That's the bare bones basics. There's LOTS more, but let's start there.
OK - I only used clean and modern on my 3 ch DR when I had it. I use a single now. BUT I'm missing the clean headroom that the DR had over the single.
The one I'm looking at is a 93 or 94. mint condition - i'm hoping he'll let me take it home and try it out - I heat they sound great over the newer 3 ch. True?
Yes, it's a Revision F Dual Rectifier.

This means it has a series effects loop instead of a parallel loop (only a Send knob, no Return knob). It will also have the best cleans out of the rectifiers made in 1993. But, I'm not sure if it'll be as nice of a clean as the one in your 3ch. That'll be for you to decide. The distortion will be nice and smooth, no fizz, and tight. It should have a small Mesa Engineering logo on the front black facing.

Make sure you test out the amp's every function before you commit to it. Old amps=no more warranty.
Thanks Elpelotero!!

I will be sure to run it through it's paces -

So then - What advantage or diadvantage is the series loop other than not being able to adjust the return? I only run a Boss Delay in that chain now on y single..
The series loop is friendlier to effects units and certain types of pedals. It's just more user friendly in my experience. Parallel loops begin to introduce extraneous noises, hums, static, etc. with certain effects units. I guess it really depends on the unit you use. I'm not an effects junkie, but there are lots of articles on the subject if you google it.
Kewl! Thanks for all the info - I'm going to see if I can get a hold of it today and test run it.
I'd dump a 3 channel like it was an old bag of rocks, for the chance to grab a blackface chrome chassis 2 channel.

I owned an early 3 channel dual for close to 5 years and was thrilled watching the guy that bought it remove it from my home. :lol: I now own a chrome/chrome 2 channel revision F and love it.

First off, the polished diamond plate/black chassis is bland and boring. Those black faces look awesome. The layout is better on the 2ch (IMHO) because they are simpler. I A/B'd a 2007ish Triple Rectifier 3ch vs. my Rev F 2ch and while there isn't really a big difference, there is some small differences. The 2 channel has slightly less fizz, a little more defined, and hair more organic. The cleans on a rev F suck, but aren't any worse than the 3 ch cleans. I've never heard a clean sound that impressed me out of a Solo head.

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