What processor do you guys use & why?

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I'm on the fence. Can't decide if I want a few good pedals or a good but affordable processor.

What do you guys use?
What do you like about it?
What do you dislike about it?
What do you wish it had but doesn't?
I use a TC Electronics G Major...

Not that it's the greatest, but it suits my needs.

1) it can do relay switching for my Recto Pre
1a) therefore, I can MIDI switch the amp with patches and control everything with one MIDI controller.
2) built in tuner, which most good "all in one" processors have. and has a "7 string" mode for down tuning or 7 String...
3) one rack space, no fuss no muss
4) the effects sound pretty good, especially connected in series. Blow off the F/X loop in the Recto Pre.
5) fairly easy to program. Flat out a must for my knuckle draggin' ***.

Other than that, I run a wah pedal into the front and that's it.
:lol: I completely understand!

I had a G-Major for quite a while and really liked it, although I thought it could be better.

Then, like a dumb-***, I sold it and bought a Nova System, which led up to a G-System.
Both of which sounded basically like a G-Major, except the Nova had some decent distortion tones in it too!

I'm really leaning toward a G-Major 2, but am wondering if there isn't something better out there in the same price range.
I use to use a gmajor with my triaxis.I liked it alot.
Just alittle to much tone sucking .Then i went with a rocktron xpression.
It was nice.Alot less colouring of tone,just i liked the reverbs in the g major better.
Now i am using a digitech 1101.I like it the best.Only problem,with the triaxis i am getting
a weird noise that comes and goes.The other guys in my band are using 1101's alos and sound great with there rigs.
Digitech GSP 1101 with my Triaxis.
I bought the GSP thinking I could use it in 4CM, which sounded fantastic on paper. Unfortunately I soon found out that the "pre" section of the GSP si extremely noisy and cannot be used with any high gain amp/preamp. Therefore the GSP is now used only as a "post" effect (loosing the wah, which sounded great, and the distortions, also very decent sounding).

I thought about replacing it with a G Major, since I don't use the pre effects, but honestly the G major left me completely cold. It is not intuitive at all, the effects are not inspiring, while the GSP is just like a bunch o pedals. No weird parameters, just your straightforward controls found on the pedals it emulates. Sounds very good too, and comes with a kick *** controller, that can be used (with the latest beta firmwares) to fully control other MIDI devices.

If I was using an amp that required channell switching, I probably would have got the G Major (the GSP has no switching capabilities), but with the Triaxis I'm fully covered.
the other guitar player in my band is using an engl preamp with a digitech 1101 without any problems.I have read about
a few other people having the same noise problem as me with a triaxis and 1101.
I am thinking of trying a g major 2 next week.
Again with this:

One off-topic question: Can you get decent input levels with Rec pre and G-major connected in series?

I have Lexicon MPX100 and signal goes too loud into the effect unit being placed after Rec Pre. I don't know why, but it's impossible to set input gain so that it won't take volume down too much. I have to put my power amp Stereo2:fifty on both channels 3 o'clock. I can't recommend MPX-100 for guitar use. Looking forward to G-major, therefore asking this. I don't want put the effects processor on the loop of Rec Pre.
I give you three that I have used in the past year and recommend all of them.

GSP 1101
Rocktron Xpression
Axe FX
All three of the units are pretty true to the amps tone and that’s why I like them all!

(GSP 1101) 4 cable method, PC editor (through MIDI) this processor I find a little unique the quality of the effects are awesome as far as programming the effects very easy not as much to tweak as other processors. When programming an effect, it is like somewhere between a stomp box and a full blown processor. As for the 4CM the unit is arranged in such a way stomp box models , compressor are all before the preamp section, delays and reverbs would be after the preamp, however the chorus flanger phase type effects you can change weather you want it after or before the preamp. Although other have had problems with noise mine has always been quiet. The unit also has amp models which I never really got into.

(Rocktron Xpression) Awesome sounding unit! This unit does not have any models it is basically all time based effects and compression. There is no 4CM and no PC editor (and there won’t be one, I have inquired) As far as programming there is more detail than the GSP 1101, the interface is a bit old school takes a little to get use to. Sounds like I am slamming the unit but I’m not, just different. The end result is worth the little extra time you may have to spend with the unit. I do have one complaint the “reverb” its sound great but it is very generic in programming there are no small rooms or large halls I really wish this unit had the reverb of its older brother the Intellifex. Killer delays and chorus flanger & phase I personally prefer this unit over a G-Major, which does have a better reverb.

(Axe FX) Much bigger price tag than the other two. This unit is famous for its amp models but let’s keep it an effect processor for this topic. 4CM, PC editor. Very in depth programming, you also have to pay close attention if the unit does not sound right to you or something sounds a bit colored, you need to check your setup. When doing the 4CM, unlike the GSP 1101 you can place any effect on either side of the preamp (but I think the GSP 110 placement is perfect as is) The quality of the effects reflect its price tag, In fact it’s a good deal , the effects are stellar! I would pay the money just for the effects.

All three units are midi friendly
Thanks 6L6C,

I have a good friend who has both the Xpression & the G-Major.
I'll have to ask him which one he prefers.

I don't use digital Reverbs usually, so that won't actually be a deciding factor.
I just set a little tube reverb on my clean channel and forget it usually.

Things that matter the most to me are:
Relay switching of amp's channels
Great Delays that are tweakable, but not to the point where I can get lost
No preset switching glitch, popping or silence
Delay spill-over
Abillity to turn individual FX on/off with a footswitch
Little to no tone suck, other wise I would just use a modeller instead of my DC-10!
Easy to use, friendly to navigate
All the units I listed including the G-Major which you’re looking at will address all of your midi concerns. But as far as the channel switching thing for your amp only the G-Major will do that. Preset spillover on any unit depends on a few factors, how drastically different the block configuration of the next program is but I find on these units no problems I can’t talk for the Axe FX I just put it in my rack yesterday. And although have had it up and running with my amp have not fully integrated it with everything else. I expect no problems. All units pretty much have the same warning when dealing with preset spillover.

As for little or no tone suck in that $500 price range from my experience it’s the Xpression
Another processer you may consider is a Rocktron Replifex. It'll do your channnel switching, has tap tempo for your delays, midi controlable, preset spillover and the sound is superior to the xpression due to the quality of the DA converters. Very, very transparent/quiet. The delays, chorus, tremolo, hush and parametric EQ make this well worth the price of admission. If I had to knock it somewhere, it would be the reverb, just not as good as other units, so I use an Intellifex Online (U.S. made unit) for verbs. Also, way easier to navigate than a G-Major. You can d-load a very detailed manual from Rocktron's website and check it out.
That's funny! I just sold a Replifex for a friend. At the time, I was really digging the G-System though, so I never even tried it out.

That same friend just dropped off a Digitech GSP 2101 with the FC-1 controller for me to sell.
Are these worthwhile?
The Replifex....
This IMHO is arguably the most underrated processor on the market. This came out years before T.C. Electronics made rack pieces. I've been using mine for many many years without the littlest hint of failure. It's built like a tank and you wont get mired in all the algarithm permutations like the T.C. units are capable of. Set it and forget it. It's designed to layer the effects with your signal, not color or influence them. (You do need a pre amp for it though) Here's the rub... They are not made anymore but the upside is that you can get them for a steal on e-bay!
vipmetal said:
Again with this:

One off-topic question: Can you get decent input levels with Rec pre and G-major connected in series?

I have Lexicon MPX100 and...

I don't have the Rec Pre but I've used both the Lexi and the G-Major with a Quad Pre... the MPX100 really just sucked as far as the input level went... it was so finicky and clipped really early... a shame because I actually really liked a few of the effects on it. No such problems with the G-Major, just sort of set and forget, plus there's a little meter on the screen that makes setting the level a lot easier.
The Lexicon Mpx G2 processor is amazing. Lexicon quality designated for live (minimal glitch load time) guitar processing. I have run it with the Triaxis for years. The Lexicon alone is an incredible unit with all the effeccts you could possibly want. What's more than that ,the pre amp in the unit is pretty **** good by itself. So if your triaxis ever had issues you could get by with the Mpx alone.
-I run my triaxis through the effects loop of the lexicon
-there is a designated signal path ( Insert ) for preamps
-The lexicons R1 remote midi foot board has the " FX " function that allows for stomp controll switching on individual effects
-you can turn the pre-amp(triaxis) on and off as you see fit.
theres is so much more to say than that, but that's my two cents in a nut shell.

I have never checked out the T.C. Electronics or Rocktron stuff you guys are using. Anybody have any feedback on how they compare to the Lexicon?
TemporarilyStairs said:
vipmetal said:
Again with this:

One off-topic question: Can you get decent input levels with Rec pre and G-major connected in series?

I have Lexicon MPX100 and...

I don't have the Rec Pre but I've used both the Lexi and the G-Major with a Quad Pre... the MPX100 really just sucked as far as the input level went... it was so finicky and clipped really early... a shame because I actually really liked a few of the effects on it. No such problems with the G-Major, just sort of set and forget, plus there's a little meter on the screen that makes setting the level a lot easier.

Ok, thank you for your answer! That clipping is really a pain in the ***!! So i should just save money for G-major.
Just got a G-major 2 installed in my rack this week... Early signs are looking pretty good so far! If there's anything specific you want me to try out on it then let me know.
I use a little Boss VF1 which is kinda cool. Pretty inexpensive, and covers most effects that I use. The roland space echo emulation on it really sucks bad. The delays and reverbs are pretty good, chorusing,flanging, & phasing are all pretty good - you can double up chorusing from the CHORUS block and MOD block on certain patches which is kinda cool. I'm not sure yet if the compressor is actually useful on this - frequently it sounds like either too much, or none at all. I like a little bit of compression on cleans to tighten things up a bit. The cosm amp simulations are pretty awful on the vf1 so I don't find those useful at all. The Lo-fi patch is pretty cool, and it does have some of the RSS stuff from their SDD and SDX series delays/reverbs. The isolator is pretty cool too, although i don't know how useful that is for guitar. The vf1 is a neat little processor to have in your studio for other things besides guitar. There's a guitar synth in it also which is similar to the one in the SE70. More of a toy than anything as it doesn't track that well.

I have an old Roland DEP5 that does some cool things - weird modulated reverbs, and what I think is one of the better panning delays. I've used the delay on the DEP5 for some crazy tape-loop stuff. Really weird things happen if you bump the delay time knob while a loop is feeding back at 99% - it puts these cut up rhythmic stops & starts in the loop. Pretty interesting if you're into tape loops or any of the old Fripp stuff. The DEP5 is great on keyboards or drums as well - very digital 80's kinda sound, but the a/d filters aren't quite as Hi-fi as most modern fx processors which is what gives this unit a fairly unique sound.

Currently, a G Major (good delay, chorus and reverb) - looking to buy a G Major 2 (new patches and more features!).


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