What other speakers have you guys tried in your combo?

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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I've had a V30 in mine for probably over a year now and am thinking of switching over to something else. Didn't like the MC90 that much--just seemed...I dunno...sterile or something. No character. The V30 gave it some more clarity and edge I was looking for, but it's really starting to wear me out playing live. I'm starting to find it too bright and feel like it's piercing right through my skull by the end of the night. It has some highs I just can't dial out.

Just wondering if any of you guys have tried anything other than the V30 or MC90. Maybe a G12-65 or something similar with a slightly rolled-off top end? I'm just finding my MV is brighter than my JCM 800, which just ain't right...
No one, eh?

Guess I musta forgot this isn't The Gear Page. :lol:
I happened to have a G12k 100 laying around (borrowed)
I tried it out and found I liked it much better than the C90. Much firmer mids, clearer lowend.
Can't tell about the highs as I didn't spend enough time with it.
It is defineately time for me to get an enclosed cab with 2 12's because I belive the V is cabable of much more than the current speaker (C90) is translating.
Good luck finding something you like.
Find you a widebody closed back cab with a V30 to stack your combo on. That's the best combination in my opinion.
Cool guys. Thanks for the info. I'm especially interested to hear how the Vet 30 works out.
I popped an Eminence Texas Heat in my combo as an experiment. It's a little lacking in the upper mids, but nothing you can't dial back in. Definitely smoother breakup than the C90, and handles low end MUCH better. Still doesn't hold a candle to the widebody 112 closed back, though. Currently considering a swap for a head for this reason - I keep finding myself unplugging the combo speaker and just rocking the 112 (though it looks pretty cool stacked on top, even if it's not getting used). Both together just sound like the combo by itself, for some reason.
I put a vet 30 in my combo. I preferred it to the c90. I since have moved the vet 30 to a port city 2x12 OS with a ET65 paired with it. There is no going back to the combo after hearing that. It is like a whole other amp now. I am looking to try the g12k100s in the cab as well.
I've got the Vet 30 in now, and now have landed on a very Marshallesque crunch on Ch2. I'm not very good at hearing or describing "upper mids" here or "low end growl" there, but all I know is that it's a change for the better to my ears from the C90.

I'm now curious to see what the C90 would be like in a closed back cab paired up with the Vet in the combo..
ziggys said:
I happened to have a G12k 100 laying around (borrowed)
I tried it out and found I liked it much better than the C90. Much firmer mids, clearer lowend.
Can't tell about the highs as I didn't spend enough time with it.
It is defineately time for me to get an enclosed cab with 2 12's because I belive the V is cabable of much more than the current speaker (C90) is translating.
Good luck finding something you like.

I have 4 of these in a 4x12. Not a well known speaker, but one that should be. Reminds me of a non-sterile EV.
IMHO the V-30 sounds killer in a closed back cab with the V. You loose the low end in an open back cab! I also like it with my split 2x12 with an EV in the bottom and MS12 on top.
This thread turned out nice--thanks for all the info and suggestions.

After everything I just put the MC90 back in the combo and think it sounds great! Especially with channel 3. I just ran out of time/energy to shop around and try a bunch of other speakers, but maybe I will later on.

Funny--between going back to the MC90 and switching back to 6L6s, I came full circle. Looks like Mesa pretty much had it right after all. :) Not to say I won't tweak again, but I'm pretty happy with the stock config for now.
I prefer the Vintage 30 over the WGS Veteran 30. Those speakers sound the best with the V in my opinion. The V30 sounds way more alive and open than the WGS vet 30. Also the Vet 30 just sounded a little like a blanket was over the speaker. But the Vet 30 is a great speaker for some amps I gotta say.

So I'm Vintage 30 all the way. The thing about it is that when your playing alone it kinda sucks on your ears but in a band context is super great. I would try putting a 2x12 under your combo if its killin your ears on stage. And I also think that the V is WAY driving closed back speakers since it's such a super articulate and bright amp.
i've used

evm-12l (originals and reissues)
altec 417-8h
eminence ms-12

I've kept the MS-12 in the amp the longest. mc90 is good (and once it gets really broken in it sounds quite nice, but does not sound that great before it's broken in). 417 is its own sound and you either like it or you don't. my word to describe the 417 sound is "toothiness". the 12L is an awesome speaker but makes extreme mode unusable for me. (reissue 12Ls sound just like old 12Ls.)

the MS-12 is like the midpoint between the 12L and the MC90. "big magnet" feel/bass response, but softer, american high end.

i've never been able to bond with the v30 in an open back format. the (lack of) bass response and the upper mids don't agree with me. i don't think i'd like it in my mark v. in a closed cabinet it is a different story. of course ymmv.

ps: there are some old threads about this subject, i have participated in some of them. check them out.

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