Studio Preamp and Fifty/fifty picks up radio signal

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Sep 18, 2012
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Hello everybody,

I have recently been experiencing my Mesa Studio Preamp and Fifty/fifty is picking up radio signals from all around the world. I live and Denmark, and sometimes it picks up radio signals from Russia and other days England. You can't hear it while playing the guitar, but I of course still find this very annoying. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Video cilp:

Turn down the gain and/or volume.
Use higher quality cable between the guitar and input.
Use shorter cable where possible (longer cable= longer antenna).
Noise reduction device may help.
It's also possible a tube has gone microphonic and is "helping" along the process.

Another possible fix could be moving your amp from it's current location to somewhere else in the room.

My tri and 20/20 did this at higher volumes. The only solution I got around to was lower the gain/ volume.
If you have access to extra cables, I would try replacing each cable in your signal path one by one, and see if it reduces or eliminates the noise. Cabling seems to me to be the most apparent cause of interference like this.
The cables are probably the problem. I think I'll make some new ones myself, so the length is perfect. Thanks for the answers! :)
Unplug the Studio Pre from the poweramp, and see if it still occurs. This can help focus the problem.
I've had the same problem with my studio+fifty/fifty rig. I've found that running the master volumes lower and the output levels higher helps quite a bit. Location will affect it. My concrete basement is the worst. At the risk of blaspheming, I think it's a mesa preamp thing. A shielding issue or something. My Formula pre does the same thing. My Rocktron Piranha never had that issue.