Studio .22 w. Graphic EQ - Questions...

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Apr 27, 2009
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Hey everyone,

This is my first post here as I am now the proud owner of a Studio .22! I got it on Sunday and am absolutely loving it.
I haven't had much chance to fully crank it yet so I am very looking taking it down to the rehearsal studio on Saturday to open it up!

I have a few questions about some issues that I know are apparent with the amp...

After playing around with the Volume - Master I've found a nice balance of levels that I am happy with.
My problem is that when I change from Lead to Rhythm there seems to be a slight dip in volume for about 2 seconds, then it gets to the desired level...
I haven't had chance to get past two on my Master volume yet so it might not be apparent when I get louder but I wanted to know if this a normal issue with the amp or might there be something wrong with my valves?

2. FX LOOP LEVELS (Rhythm - Lead)
Im using a Boss DD-6 > Boss TR-2 > BOSS RC20 XL (in that order) in the loop. I noticed when I record a phrase in Rhythm and then change to Lead the volume, again, changes fairly dramatically... Is this just down to the amount of gain coming in on the lead channel?

This is small and probably down to me getting over excited but I thought I would mention it, last night when I was playing around and had a fairly heavy amount of feedback on my DD-6 I noticed it started to squeal until I turned it right down... Is this amp known for its feedback?

Much apprecited,
Welcome to the forum.

Congratulation on the new amp.

You well find all kinds here.

1~ often there is a change before it gets to normal on channel switching amps. 2 seconds sounds long to me. I do not think I have seen more than a 1 second on a amp.

2~ I have noticed things like this on amps. Sounds normal. You can screw around with the levels probly to get more of a balance.

3~ I would unplug all effects. Guitar - amp - speaker. Before you make any judgement like that.

It sounds like a normal effect from a delay with the feedback set high.
I am not there so it is hard to tell from here.

Have you seen this .....
Be careful with your lead master. Also be mindful that the tone controls on mesa amps aren't like "most" amps out there. Their effect can be quite pronounced and the taper doesn't work the same. Take a good look at the manual as stephen mentioned. You'll find some quite surprising sounds in that amp for sure!
Thanks for your reply's! yeah I found manual yesterday so printed it off for some bedtime reading 8)
As I said I only got this the day before yesterday so I am looking forward to having a good tweak with the controls at a more desirable level on Saturday :D
Once you turn it up you well see the what she can do.
I believe you well be happy.

If you get to know the amp you well find many good tones in there....

Do not be afraid to try a few different tubes in V1.
This well change the feel / tone / gain more than any other tube.
AzumaVega said:
After playing around with the Volume - Master I've found a nice balance of levels that I am happy with.
My problem is that when I change from Lead to Rhythm there seems to be a slight dip in volume for about 2 seconds, then it gets to the desired level...
I haven't had chance to get past two on my Master volume yet so it might not be apparent when I get louder but I wanted to know if this a normal issue with the amp or might there be something wrong with my valves?

What are you using for a footswitch? I had this same problem with my .22 and I went as far as to replace the LDRs to try to fix it. It finally turned out to be due to the generic Marshall footswitch I was using. The resistor value wired up to the LED was different than in a Mesa switch. Once I started using a Mesa switch, my problems were solved. Alternately, I could have just changed the resistor value in the Marshall switch.
Whoopysnorp said:
What are you using for a footswitch? I had this same problem with my .22 and I went as far as to replace the LDRs to try to fix it. It finally turned out to be due to the generic Marshall footswitch I was using. The resistor value wired up to the LED was different than in a Mesa switch. Once I started using a Mesa switch, my problems were solved. Alternately, I could have just changed the resistor value in the Marshall switch.

I am using the original footswitch with a stereo lead (similar to this) with a 1/4inch adapter on each end.
- Do you think this could be the problem? I will change it to my guitar lead tonight and check...
AzumaVega said:
Whoopysnorp said:
What are you using for a footswitch? I had this same problem with my .22 and I went as far as to replace the LDRs to try to fix it. It finally turned out to be due to the generic Marshall footswitch I was using. The resistor value wired up to the LED was different than in a Mesa switch. Once I started using a Mesa switch, my problems were solved. Alternately, I could have just changed the resistor value in the Marshall switch.

I am using the original footswitch with a stereo lead (similar to this) with a 1/4inch adapter on each end.
- Do you think this could be the problem? I will change it to my guitar lead tonight and check...

I doubt that's the problem, but it's possible.
Whoopysnorp said:
What are you using for a footswitch? I had this same problem with my .22 and I went as far as to replace the LDRs to try to fix it. It finally turned out to be due to the generic Marshall footswitch I was using. The resistor value wired up to the LED was different than in a Mesa switch. Once I started using a Mesa switch, my problems were solved. Alternately, I could have just changed the resistor value in the Marshall switch.

Actually, I seem to remember this with mine too, however I was using an LED-less roland pedal. I had huge popping sounds. I got a mesa pedal from a friend and tried it and it solved the issue. I bought one from ebay and everything was good after that.

Ive had a play around with settings but the I still seem to be having an issue with the channel changing.

It seems to take about 2 seconds for the "full" tone to come through the amp when I change from Lead to Rhythm... It's as if something is warming up when I change... the Bass and Mid come in about 2 seconds after which then makes the master volume at the desired level...

I can try and record a sample and post it on here to explain what I mean.

In the mean time I will use my RAT distortion pedal for an instant change on the Rhythm channel but this seems a waste of such a good crunch in the amp. hmmmmm
The LDRs that control the switching may be worn out...that is a known issue. If you are reasonably handy with a soldering iron, you can replace them yourself. The parts cost a couple bucks each, and there are four or five of them. Otherwise, it probably needs professional attention.
Whoopysnorp said:
The LDRs that control the switching may be worn out...that is a known issue. If you are reasonably handy with a soldering iron, you can replace them yourself. The parts cost a couple bucks each, and there are four or five of them. Otherwise, it probably needs professional attention.

Thanks whoopysnorp, I think I will see how this Saturday goes as it will be the first time I crank it up for a band practice, if it's still an obvious issue I think I may take it to my local amp-tech, as they are an approved Mesa Boogie technician, which is good... I would rather pay someone who knows what they are doing (defo not me!) than possibly ruin a great amp.
My switching went on my .22+ at one point, amp-tech replaced some stuff in it and it was fine after that. It was about 50 bucks I think.

A few months later my output transformer went. I got one online and got it put in, other than that, it was a GREAT amp. I think it's one of the best choices for at home use.
One thing to remember is that it is in fact a Studio 22, so the channel switching was not inherently designed for live use.
It obviously can be used live but has some shortcomings.

This said, the delay you speak of is not something I've seen in my 22.
Great little amp nonetheless!
xbolt said:
One thing to remember is that it is in fact a Studio 22, so the channel switching was not inherently designed for live use.
It obviously can be used live but has some shortcomings.

This said, the delay you speak of is not something I've seen in my 22.
Great little amp nonetheless!

That is just a name .....

I do not think the location the amp is used is a issue.
This is the amp Nirvana used all over the world on tour.
I was the one who recommend to Kurt he checks out the Mesa stuff in a long talk we had about gear. He was the one who decided to use this amp.
What are you talking about?

I'll try and clarify fur ya...the single volume does not allow much level control between the clean and overdrive when switching channels...

I never said it doesn't work for live situations...just ask Kurt...He'll tell you I said so. :roll:
Just fact that any amp can be used live with a mic on it.
Nothing else. :mrgreen:

Sorry if I came off wrong.

I well look for my Ouija Board :)