Seymour JB/59 VS Dimarzio D-sonic/Air Norton

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Apr 25, 2009
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Nova Scotia, Canada
I have a Schecter Blackjack C-7 that comes with the 7 string JB and 59 (bridge - neck). I was wondering how much of a difference in terms of tone and output (since I have the Express 5:50 the output makes a big difference for me in terms of maximum gain) Dimarzio D-Sonic and Air Norton would make? Thanks alot!
I can compare the 6 string versions. My EBMM JP6 has the older style custom wound Steve's Special/Air Norton pickups. My Peavey used to have the JB/59 pickups in it. The D-Sonic is more like the JB than my custom SS in the JP6. The output is about the same between both sets of pickups. The tone is similar too. I think the Dimarzios are smoother whereas the SDs have a more organic feel with more texture I guess. I'm trying to put the differences in words - it's kind of tough! They are very similar sounding pickups really... I'm not sure if i helped or confused you just now... Sorry!
i went form the sds (mahogany) to the dimarzios (basswood)...granted they were different guitars but imo the dimarzio setup provides a better range of voicings. the air norton is the best neck pup and i get this violin like liquid lead tone as i felt the 59 seemed like a mediocore pup with the tone rolled back. the d sonic is a little more focused than the jb but that one is up for grabs, neither better or worse just different
So essentially, the Air Norton has more output and better tone than the 59, correct? I don't like the 59 cause it doesn't have any sustain or much output compared to the JB. The Air Norton is listed as medium output (last time I checked) but does it have alot more output compared to the 59 or just better tone?
check their respective websites for the details. all i know is i like the dimarzios better both neck and bridge
I just swapped the magnet in my JB for an Alnico 8 vs. the Alnico 5 that it comes with (Jackson SL2-MAH). It was very cheap compared to swapping pickups. Do some research on magnet swaps on the SD forums, if you are so inclined.
I dont have any experience with SD's, but on my jem i have paf pros in bridge and neck, and on my rg,steves special in the bridge, and air norton neck but reversed.

Reversed it is quite different, it has slight less output, which i need to get used to, its warmer and not as bright, but its very airy and if my amp is loud can get feedback harmonics on the clean channel! Its very petrucci like, hard to describe, really unique sounding compared to the AN installed normally.
If you go the DiMarzio route, I would recommend having the blade part of the D-Sonic closer to bridge. That seems to keep it tight and balanced. In contrast, the Air Norton is very smooth sounding. I like the combination a lot. I am sold on DiMarzios. I have s SD full shred in one of my guitars right now that I am going to replace with an Air Zone. The full shred isn't bad, it just doesn't seem to have the depth or character that either of the DiMarzios have, so out it goes. I hope that helps...

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