Running MKV in stereo w/ Lonestar Special

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2009
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Hey guys.. Interested in messing around with a stereo setup.. I used to run a g-system, but now only use a timefactor in the loop of the mark v.. Any suggestions for how I should hook this up? Should I use an a/b box, and just use the lonestar for additional tones? Or should I run some sort of stereo delay setup, or even run both amps simultaneous?

The LSS is a combo, and the MKV is a head w/ a 212 or 112 orange cabby

Both amps together with ping pong delay from the Timefactor would sound pretty sweet. You can use them separately if the timefactor pumps the same delay signal out of both outputs when using a mono delay type. You'd need an A/B pedal to switch between the two amps. Just leave them both on and one will be silent when the signal is being routed to the other amp instead via the A/B. I've got a Morley A/B for sale if you are interested. I'll take $50 shipped for it. I used it 5 times max and it is now in it's original packaging waiting to be sold.

If you go out the send of the Mark V to the return of the LS you will have a stereo setup using the Mark V pre amp through both the power sections of the Mark V and LS.
Can you simply run directly from the V send to the return on the LS and that's all, or do you mean going out of a stereo effect in the V's loop to the return on both amps? I've been running from the slave out of my V into a LS's return. Seems to work pretty good, but it's not stereo. Have been wondering if stereo would sound better, and if so the best way to do it.

BluesRock said:
Can you simply run directly from the V send to the return on the LS and that's all, or do you mean going out of a stereo effect in the V's loop to the return on both amps? I've been running from the slave out of my V into a LS's return. Seems to work pretty good, but it's not stereo. Have been wondering if stereo would sound better, and if so the best way to do it.
hazbin said:
If you go out the send of the Mark V to the return of the LS you will have a stereo setup using the Mark V pre amp through both the power sections of the Mark V and LS.

No you won't. What you'll have is the MK V's pre being powered by the LSS's power section.

If you want stereo, then you have to send the 2nd (Left or Right) out from the Effects unit to the LSS's return.
Mark V FX Send -> Delay Input
Delay L Output -> Mark V FX Return
Delay R Output -> LSS FX Return

Make sure you keep the V's fx loop on, of course.

Do you have any speaker load boxes? Then you could do a bunch of neat stuff. Like listening to your LSS through a 90w simul class powersection. Or the LSS through the V's power section with 4xEL34. Or a IIC+ through EL84s :p
Running the Mark V pre amp section through both the mark V power and LS power sections is stereo

hazbin said:
If you go out the send of the Mark V to the return of the LS you will have a stereo setup using the Mark V pre amp through both the power sections of the Mark V and LS.

No you won't. What you'll have is the MK V's pre being powered by the LSS's power section.

If you want stereo, then you have to send the 2nd (Left or Right) out from the Effects unit to the LSS's return.
im going to try quite a few setups in the next couple hours.. the gig where i'm going to test this out is tonight..

i'm interested in the possibilities w/ setting up a extremely short delay between the two amps, like 2 or 3 ms, getting a nice and fat sound!
so i ended up running my lonestar special combo into 2 orange cabs... sounded amazing!!!! going to experiment some more tomorrow if i get time
I have the same setup. I run a stereo delay in the loop of the MKV, hooked up like normal. Then I take the other output from the delay and plug it into a ErnieBall volume pedal then out to the return of the LoneStar. It works well this way for a few reasons.

You can use the volume pedal to adjust the volume of the LoneStar.

You can hit the mute button on the MKV foot switch and the cab from the MKV is turned off. You can get your normal tone from the 1-12. I have found some cool clean tones that way.

Stereo delay sounds cool.

The LoneStar sounds different dependeng on the wattage setting.