Roadster head and G System - levels advice needed

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Apr 29, 2006
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Hi folks,

I've just purchased a Roadster head and I'm trying to hook it up with my G System using the four cable method. Can anyone who has a similar rig advise on the best fx loop level and G System settings (input/output levels) to avoid any tone suck ?

hey i have a dual rec with a gsystem in the loop i also used to work for tc electronics for a bit firstly upgrade the firmware to version 3.00 (please be careful as its so easy to completely screw your gsystem when updating it as the instructions arent amazingly clear) my settings are 0db on the input n output of the gsystem and on the send and return setting on the dual rec i have the send at about 1-2 oclockish and the return at full whack!!

i play mostly rock with quite alot of gain. good way to test the sappyness (made up word) is put the g system on its bypass patch then switch the loop on n off. im a sound engineer so im really picky about clarity and yea theres a difference but its only slight nothing major. however i will stress one thing the only problem i experience is lack of volume when the fx loop is on but this is only due to the fact that the g-system is a fairly low output unit but by using the boost function on the g-system you can easily solve the problem tc actually suggest this.

version 3 of the G software is really good and the gsystem editor is a godsend!!

hope this helps