pedal voltage question

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
cherry hill,nj
hey everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS

i have a XOTIC FX BB PREAMP PEDAL AND A MXR EVH PHASE 90 PEDAL both use 9v wall warts,heres my question i was using an 18v wallwart to power them,using them one at a time.i did this thinking i was using 9v,anyway would this hurt the pedals in anyway? also i didnt think they sounded as good as they are known to be,could that be the reason?and i did notice when i turned off the BB PREAMP the LED was still faintly lit,is that because there was to much power feeding the pedal? thanx for your help

get a 9v adapter that has enough milliamps to power 2 pedals. Running an 18 into those pedals is NOT a good thing. Stop doing it.

I concur, volts & amps are 2 different things. You need a supply that can serve the necessary voltage with a higher current rating to your pedals. The 1Spot supports 1700mA as opposed to say a Boss PSA-120 @ only 200mA. Even I would only chain 80% of the 1Spots rated max though.

The POWER that you're talking about is current. Bottom line: run an adapter that gives you 9V & as many milliamps as you need. Simplisticly speaking, each pedal requires its own current. The more pedals a given adapter is feeding the more current they all require. Don't add voltages, it doesn't work that way. Instead, add up the current requirements from all the pedals & thats how many millamps the adapter needs to be... Add a little bit more to keep the transformer cool.

Another thought is that you'd better watch your polarities with different pedal types. Like Boss pedals are Center Negative which is different from some other manufacturers. Some makes are protected from wrong polarity with a diode but just watch what you're doing.

Last point, if you share an adapter between too many pedals or more specifically, between too many different brands of pedals, you may experience increased noise. Like with my Moog pedals.. they ALL want their own supply & if you start sharing them off a 1Spot for some reason, they start getting noisy.

Good Luck :)
fbomb said:
hey everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS

i have a XOTIC FX BB PREAMP PEDAL AND A MXR EVH PHASE 90 PEDAL both use 9v wall warts,heres my question i was using an 18v wallwart to power them,using them one at a time.i did this thinking i was using 9v,anyway would this hurt the pedals in anyway? also i didnt think they sounded as good as they are known to be,could that be the reason?and i did notice when i turned off the BB PREAMP the LED was still faintly lit,is that because there was to much power feeding the pedal? thanx for your help

Following your thought if your house is 110 V and has only 2 wall outlets,each one of them will give you 55 V !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
thanx for the using a onespot now and its much better,and im using both pedals at the same time now,before i was using the pedals one at a time thanx again