Newbie Question on the Quad Preamp

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New member
Feb 8, 2013
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Hi, I am new here, but I am thinking of getting a Quad Preamp. I have a couple of questions.

First, can I get the Walter Trout type tone out of it? I know he uses Mark IV's and V's. I will pair it with a Peavey 120/120.

Secondly I hear there are 2 versions of the preamp, can anyone explain the differences and how to tell them apart?

I had a listen to a couple of his live songs (very good btw) and it does sound like a Boogie so the Quad would definitely get you very close or you could just get a MarkIV, personally I much prefer the Quad though :)

Maybe what you're talking about is the change they made when they added the midi control? The first Quads have 2 reverb tanks, which have 2 different lengths to provide a really lush sound. They dropped that down to 1 in later models to fit in the midi control stuff. If it has a midi socket on the back, that's the later version.
If he uses a mark series amp, most likely the quad can get you his sound. To my ears it lacks a little bit of gain that I hear the IV and V produce, but it could very well be that the sounds I'm hearing were boosted somehow. It is definitely the right tone though. Tight, liquid, and crunchy.

Boola is correct about the two versions. I personally have the MIDI quad, and love the way it sounds, but don't use the reverb much because it gets over the top quickly. If you do some research on the quad versions, you should run across a thread on this forum with a gentleman that has two quads. He said there were some small differences in the tonality between the two versions, but unless you specifically want the two reverb tanks or the midi capabilities, I wouldn't worry about the differences.