Midi and G-Major 2 Questions

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
I posted most of this over on the TC Forum too, but there doesn't seem to be much traffic over there on the G-Major 2 site.

Here is my setup:
PRS McCarty or Custom 22
Bad Horsie II
DC-10 half stack
G-Major 2
Ground Control (original version 1.00, made in 1992)

I had no idea that the version I bought was the earliest and that it will not support CC commands.
I can send it in to Voodoo Lab and they will mod the board and do a software update for $65, which sounds very reasonable. I have no reason to think that this pedal will break within the next 15 years. It is a little slow though! And, it's a pain in the *** to have to name every preset on the pedal itself because it can't see what the preset name is on the G-Major.

Here is what I want to do:
1. Use the pitch shift effect to detune my guitar from D to C for a couple of songs.
_____I figured out how to do this, but it sounds muddy and the sound cuts in and out like a Tremolo effect is turned on. The only effect that is on besides the shifter is the noise gate and it is set so low that it only kicks in when I turn the guitar's volume down all the way.

2. I would like to have CC controls as well as preset controls on the footswitch, so I may end up sending it in for the mods. Problem is, I will need it while it's gone.
____I just saw a Ground Link Extender (also from Voodoo Lab), which may solve my problems, but they are hard to find and discontinued.
____If I go this route, how do I plug it in since the G-Major only has 1 Midi In port on the back and the Ground Control only has 1 Midi In port.
____If I could afford a Ground Control Pro, I wouldn't even be having this delima.

3. Is there a midi pedal that you guys know of that will show the actual preset name, tuner on the screen and have CC & preset control that is under $400?
____Can the Ground Control Pro do this? I know it will do the CC & Preset, but what about the tuner?

I'm sure I have even more questions, but I haven't finished my coffee yet!

You need a Liquid Foot, either Pro or Jr. The LF's are all already setup for the G-Major's and will pass the tuner right to the display. The other features are far to numerous to detail but I have both models and love them. From my LF Pro I can control my guitar rig and the bands light show via Light Jocket.

www.liquid-foot.com I think.
:D I was looking at those the other day!
Way out of my price range right now, but maybe next year if the economy stops circling the bowl!

Would the Ground Control Pro do most of the things I want? The only thing I'm really unsure of is the tuner on the LCD of the GCP.

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