Mesa Maverick 1x12 - what are some good overdrives to pair?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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Getting a Maverick 1x12 combo in a trade this weekend. I've owned other Boogies (Stiletto, 2 and 3 channel Dual rectifier, Mark IV) but not the Maverick. Tube screamer types are usually the go to for the Dual/Triple Rectifier, but what are you Maverick owners using? Thanks!
I just used the Lead channel when I owned a Mav. Run the tube rectifier and turn the amp up a bit, will sing nicely.
SixVeeSix said:
I just used the Lead channel when I owned a Mav. Run the tube rectifier and turn the amp up a bit, will sing nicely.

That works for me too. Great classic rock and blues tones.

If you're looking for a higher gain tone, then I would think that the Flux Drive would be a great option -- I plan on getting one soon.

When I'm in a Smashing Pumpkins mood, a Big Muff sounds great on the rhythm channel.

It all depends on what kind of tone you're looking for.
I'm looking for something to add girth and gain for tasteful "chugging" riffs. Not metal or anything, just a heavier sound without sounding flubby.
green_henry said:
I noticed that you have a Gain Changer. Based on what I've read, I'd think that would be a good match. No?

I like it but I'm not totally sold on it for what I'm trying to do. I'll probably hang on to it and get rid of my Hotcake but I think I'd like something a little more tailored to this amp. If that makes any sense.
Yeah, definitely makes sense. I tried a zvex distortron with my Maverick after trying it out on a Bogner; it sounded great through the Bogner but was mediocre through the Mav. I'm hoping that a Flux Drive, being a Boogie product, will work well with my Mav and Blue Angel.
green_henry said:
Yeah, definitely makes sense. I tried a zvex distortron with my Maverick after trying it out on a Bogner; it sounded great through the Bogner but was mediocre through the Mav. I'm hoping that a Flux Drive, being a Boogie product, will work well with my Mav and Blue Angel.

Was looking into the Flux Drive. Let me know your findings.
Sounds like you will prefer using the solid state rectifier instead of the tube. Tighter bass that way.

I pulled the stock Black Shadow out and put in a JBL G125-8, much better sounding bass response. In larger venues I would add a 1-12" cab with a Peavey Scorpion Ultra (good luck finding one of THOSE!!). Some premium cast frame speaker can easily be substituted, EV, Altec etc.

You are only going to get so much out of a quad of EL84s running Class A. Tight full bass is not their realm. This is why I am now using a DC-5 and sold the Mav.