loop station suggestions

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
cincinnati oh
hey guys,
wasn't sure where i should be posting this but i've been kicking around the idea of getting a loop station / pedal to add to my setup. i don't really plan on using it live but more so for practicing lines over basic chord progressions to further develop my lead and soloing abilities, and also to aid the process of layering leads and solos over songs being written. while i'm still memorizing my basic scale patterns i find it easier to learn them through application so i figure this is the way to go. any suggestions on which loop pedal / station would be best for my needs?
I recently got the Boss RC-2 and it's really great. It's easy to use and it's the smallest of the Boss serie, so it easily fits on your pedalboard. Like you I'm not gigging with it, so that's why I went with the RC-2 instead of the bigger one, the RC-20. Same time loop(16 min), same fonctions and BETTER drum sounds. The only thing you don't have it's the extra footswitch and the microphone jack. But you can add a FS-5U external footswitch later if you want.
I use the Boss RC-20 sometimes and have never had any problems with it. It's easy to use and has a quantizing feature that I like. I bought it on a whim one time a while ago and didn't research any competition like I normally would. There might be better choices out there, but this pedal has been great for me. The biggest negative has to be the click tracks. They suck big time. I would never even consider having them on while playing live. I just look at the flashing light and count in my head to get my timing down before recording the loop. That is the only complaint I have about it.

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