Hold on a second (Mark V thread)........

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People are always telling me we have been to the moon ?

Just because we have lasers bouncing back does not make this real ?

I was told I was looking at April ?

What does she have to do with this ?

Just do the math.

And yes I do have faith in this one.
I think with the petition that I seen floating around the internet to do a C+ reissue and hearing that the Mark V is going to have a C+ mode I think it will be pretty accurate. I read in an interview that even Petrucci himself said its VERY ACCURATE. That and it having a new extreme mode I am sure it's going to be a smoking amp. It's hard to forecast what will happen to the used C+'s selling on Ebay. I know if the C+ mode is as accurate as Petrucci says it is and I had the chose of either I would go with the Mark V. I wouldn't want a C+ because it only has 2 channels with shared controls. So if I was to take a guess I would say the market is going to go down for th
cool thing about the C+ is....the more I have played, the more I realize I only need one channel-different strokes for diff folks, of course, but when you find that sweet spot, its hard to worry about anything else-you canthen settle in to playin' instead of searchin'!
-no doubt the V will be a hottie-gonna be a long week
brettlingle said:
I think with the petition that I seen floating around the internet to do a C+ reissue and hearing that the Mark V is going to have a C+ mode I think it will be pretty accurate. I read in an interview that even Petrucci himself said its VERY ACCURATE. That and it having a new extreme mode I am sure it's going to be a smoking amp. It's hard to forecast what will happen to the used C+'s selling on Ebay. I know if the C+ mode is as accurate as Petrucci says it is and I had the chose of either I would go with the Mark V. I wouldn't want a C+ because it only has 2 channels with shared controls. So if I was to take a guess I would say the market is going to go down for th

You read an interview with JP talking about the Mark V? You got a link?
I think he is referring to an article with john petrucci's tech talking about it ..... i dont recall seeing the article or review on any site i can find.... like everything about the mark V it was from "word of mouth" not to say i dont think its going to come about but i wont believe it tll i see it i guess :) in end ill probably get one ha.
Yeah the article was over at the Petrucci forum and it was what his tech said. Don't get me wrong the C+ is the best sounding amp I ever heard but you can't get a good clean if you want a good lead tone and if you want a good clean tone your lead tone sucks.
brettlingle said:
Don't get me wrong the C+ is the best sounding amp I ever heard but you can't get a good clean if you want a good lead tone and if you want a good clean tone your lead tone sucks.

Thats precisely the reason why I kept my IIC+ and added a Lonestar to my rig. The only reason the IIC+ is like that is because of the shared controls. No worries about that with the Mark V. Haha.

By the way, with the article, do you mean a post that someone made on the forum, or something that they posted from a magazine. I've seen the post where his tech said that JP said the IIC+ sound is accurate, but that was originally from the HRI board.
brettlingle said:
Yeah the article was over at the Petrucci forum and it was what his tech said. Don't get me wrong the C+ is the best sounding amp I ever heard but you can't get a good clean if you want a good lead tone and if you want a good clean tone your lead tone sucks.
because of the bold part
rabies said:
well tone is subjective but I've only played thru Mark III & IV. metallica MOP is not a straight up IIC+ tone AFAIK (slaved into JCM800).

where can I here a straight up IIC+ tone (I'm guessing DT??) that uses only that amp's power section?

DT's 'Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence' is all IIC+.
mystidream said:
rabies said:
well tone is subjective but I've only played thru Mark III & IV. metallica MOP is not a straight up IIC+ tone AFAIK (slaved into JCM800).

where can I here a straight up IIC+ tone (I'm guessing DT??) that uses only that amp's power section?

DT's 'Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence' is all IIC+.
Best guitar tone on an album I have heard in my opinion.
Seems like lots of IIC+ owners can get good clean and dirty sounds out of the amp at once. I can do it with my III, it doesn't even have EQ
kiff said:
it's just standard policy for most large businesses to not say anything about future products until they're officially anounced. there's a lot of legal issues and investor interests to protect.
yeah, not saying i blame them or anything. but i was hearing that they'd be discontinued from numerous places quite a bit before that, and i wasn't expecting cs to have "no idea" or anything :eek:
itsjonduhh said:
kiff said:
it's just standard policy for most large businesses to not say anything about future products until they're officially anounced. there's a lot of legal issues and investor interests to protect.
yeah, not saying i blame them or anything. but i was hearing that they'd be discontinued from numerous places quite a bit before that, and i wasn't expecting cs to have "no idea" or anything :eek:
ah ok, I was referring to the M5, but I guess it still applies to discontinuation of the M4.
phyrexia said:
Seems like lots of IIC+ owners can get good clean and dirty sounds out of the amp at once. I can do it with my III, it doesn't even have EQ
I can. I'm hopeful the Mark V will live up to the early hype, but I'm remaining a bit doubtful, maybe jaded? It seems as the Marks evolved from the II to the IV, they gained a broader palette but also lost something. The natural voice of the instrument became somewhat obscured (which also created other musical opportunities). As circuitry was added, it seems the amps became less "analog", less tube-like, more compressed and boxey. I love the Mark IV for its versatility, but Mark IIs have a certain feel and response that is hard to duplicate in a IV. (Of course, the IV can do things the II cannot.) Just when I think I found the C+ in my Mark IV, I play the C+ and realize there's a difference. Just my opinion, of course.

I think the relative "simplicity" of Mesa's more single purpose amps (e.g., Lonestars, Mark IIs) maintain the voice of the guitar. They respond more faithfully to changes in guitar settings and human touch. Clearly, this is important to me and the style of music I write and play. If the V can produce the feel and response of a C+, I'll be very impressed.
gts said:
brettlingle said:
Don't get me wrong the C+ is the best sounding amp I ever heard but you can't get a good clean if you want a good lead tone and if you want a good clean tone your lead tone sucks.
I don't find this to be true at all and have two C+'s which I play through regularly. Both are different configs too, a 60/100 and a Simul.
What settings are you using on your C+?
Also What cab and speakers are you using? What guitar? These might be what is actually causing the tone discrepency.
I don't think I explained this very well. What I mean is you have two great sounding channels but if you want a good lead tone you can't get your cleans totally clean meaning if you play kind of hard there is still a bit of breakup so it's not totally clean. If you set it up to have a pristine clean then you don't have the full on saturation on the lead channel. I think this is due to the fact that they share the same tone controls. Mainly the treble knob it seems to me it acts as the gain knob. I have used Marco Sfogli's setting on all the Mark amps that I have played because his settings seem to sound the best to my ears. Pretty much 7 on all the tone knobs and the classic V on the geq. The only difference is that some of the higher frequencies on the geq are turned down a bit and the mids are cut to just below 0 db.

The guitars I use are Ernieball Musicman JP 6 and 7's. Cabs are Rectifier 4x12's with vintage 30's.
the thing that helps me is the sage advice my buddies taught me about the amp-guitar volume knob-get some ball shakin' volume and experiment with what you can accomplish with that knob-some people are on 10 all of the time, but its the deal ,esp. with a Les Paul-my cleans have a nice breakup to them, but I can back her off for cleaner territory-that knob can be another channel(just watch Warren Haynes-a knob fiddlin' dude from wayback!not a C+ man, but you get the pic)
lesterpaul said:
the thing that helps me is the sage advice my buddies taught me about the amp-guitar volume knob-get some ball shakin' volume and experiment with what you can accomplish with that knob-some people are on 10 all of the time, but its the deal ,esp. with a Les Paul-my cleans have a nice breakup to them, but I can back her off for cleaner territory-that knob can be another channel(just watch Warren Haynes-a knob fiddlin' dude from wayback!not a C+ man, but you get the pic)

exactly. i dont see the new dudes fiddlin' with their volume knobs that much these days, i mean, with my III i can go from clean to mean with everything in between with their 3 channels and a volume knob!

some people say they cant get 3 good sounds out of her at the same time, but i can and sure some other folks can doing the same! just USE that volume knob! well, mesa states at their III manual that theyre pretty much the FENDER mode, MARSHALL mode and MESA mode.

well, if a Fender amp is cranked you just turn the volume on your gtr and you clean it up! you only have to think and do the same. if your gain is cranked for a good rhy2 sound, when you go to rhy1 you just have to turn down and get a wonderful clean sound, simple as that. :mrgreen:

rhy2 volume mod?? not for me . . .

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