get aload of this abomination

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
detroit, mi
what an ugly combo to head conversion..

you figure the guy must know his way around a woodshop...maybe just has **** taste.
all i can say is f'ing bs... thats a RK combo converted to a head and who knows what the cab is. Why thats worth $5k is beyond me. Its ashame GC would have the balls enough to put that up there for that much. Now if they put it up for what a RK goes for used or a little more I'd say thats a fair price but come on now... GC needs to do a little research before tey put crap like this on their site.
That's an ugly pos. Looks like art deco right out of the 1948 France furniture district. The poor guy must have been some seriously desperate for pussy. :lol:
i emailed GC to see what they have to say about this amp. I can't get over the fact they're trying to sell a combo converted to a head as a Mesa customized half stack... even if the wood work is high quality, they should at least make it know what your buying because to the untrained eye people will believe that it is a Mesa customized RK. I'll keep you guy posted on what they say
Ha! I just saw that the other day when I stopped in to pick up a rack case for my new Axe-Fx. I saw that standing near the entrance to the pro audio section and did a double-take... "WTF is that??" I then did a triple-take at the price tag.

I love how the web page for it says "Only $4,999.99." :lol:
I think I saw this on E-Bay last year for the same price with a detailed photo journal of the wood working. Hmmm.
SeasonOfPain said:
I love how the web page for it says "Only $4,999.99." :lol:

Haha...that's my favorite part as well :lol: :lol: :shock: :lol: :lol: :shock:
Especialy made for... well, put your beer glass on its top
fugly; coyote ugly. Reminds me of pictures of the world's ugliest dogs that get a lot of press.
The sad thing is some sucker at GC took that thing in for 2500.00. I used to work there and any used gear gets its price doubled to sell to the public. Wow!!
Ok, so after I finished being a smart a$$ is started to think.

I’ve been a designer working for custom cabinet shops for the last 30 years.
No, I do not like the look of this thing but you guys know how it goes.
You take your creation, be it a piece of furniture or a song that you wrote and throw it out there. Half the people love it, the other half hate it. Thick skin comes in handy.

Now, if you took this thing from the stand point of where I work it could look like this.
Building the head shell and speaker cabinet.
It’s a one of a kind item.
You have your R and D to figure out what you want and how to put it together.
Your prepare shop drawings to make sure all the parts are the right size and fit together and as a communication tool for the person building it.
It then is assembled using the tight tolerances needed for a quality piece. It’s not like framing a house; this can take more time than you think.
Add to that the finishing process.
I could see a person eating up three to four 8 hour days doing all of this by hand.
Our shop rate right now is $65.00 per hour.
Total up the materials, speakers, hardware and the amp itself and holy crap!
It still falls short or five grand.

Sorry about the long B.S. kind of post.
i hear ya riff.... i think what GC has failed to notice is that its not just a RK in a custom head shell. ITs a **** combo convert! There is no reason they should market it as a Mesa custom because mesa sure as hell didnt do that work which would be what would make i worth $5k
That poor Roadking is in pain :(

Longing for the days when she used to turn heads with lust not revulsion

I say we club together and offer guitar centre the $50 she's worth in her current condition, then ship her back to Mesa so the nice people there can restore her former glory.

It's the least we can do for one of our fallen - who's with me?

It looks awful to me. Especially the cab with the el cheapo boom box metal covers! I never quite get the point of pretty wood work on cabs and heads anyway. Not that some don't look magnificent but I cant imagine draggin them out to gigs or band practice and having the **** kicked out of them. They are really for the play in the bedroom type of guy at best.

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