Considering MKIV please post clips to help me

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Can you please post some MKIV sound clips, I am considering buying one.. I have a Roadster right now which I like but have heard so much good about the MkIV I need to hear and maybe run a 2-amp setup!!!

Thanks guys
i feel like such a zorran *****...

here's a guy with some good heavy mark iv clips... check out "down again clip" and "surrounded"
I've got some crappy clips here too:
yeah... i won't even post my clips yet, i need to do some serious tweaking (of knobs and microphones, that is) before i'm ready to let people hear them.
adam you have to tell me your settings for that Petrucci lead tone its pretty **** sick, nice job!
Thanks guys.

I am hoping my search for THE AMP will conclude soon.
I know it is foolish to be constantly looking for "THE GRAIL OF TONE", does it really exist? It is a great way to spend tons of dough on gear over the years (which I have definitely done).

There are so many amps to try, it has been a search that has sent me far and wide but I've always come back to Mesa for some reason.
My roadster is serving me well, fantastic sound across a wide tonal spectrum from crisp and clean to heavily overdriven. But I have to admit it still doesn't quite represent that sound that I "hear in my head".

Well, who knows. I know of some guys who have had many more amps than I and who have finally settled on Mark IV and have been happy for several years so far and no sign of changing their minds.

I'm excited right now because today I am going to pick one up for a 1month rental to try out from my local store. From the sound of it, it may not take me that long to decide!!
Elpelotero said:
there was a piece there that has PRS written all over it. Am I right?

PRS? You mean Paul-reed smith guitar?

Nah im using an Ibanez RG prestige.

At least i think thats what your talking about. :? are giving me such bad G.A.S. for a Mark IV....awesome tone man. MOP is spot on! And I like the RIP solo.....I do believe the tapping is very similar to a certain One of Metallica's songs...... :lol: :lol: Rock on

Hey Nitrobattery these clips sound more like a rectifier than a mark 4.
Maybe because you've scooped out mids and raised treble or presence .
Of course to MY ears :wink:
Anyway good stuff , well recorded and played.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Awesome clips Nitro, what kind of guitar did you use and how did you record that? I can get good pinch harmonics out of my guitars but your DT clip sounded like a tone I'm after.
Holy Mother FUcker Nitro **** please share your settings with the Mark IV community lol those are badass rockon!!
nitro good stuff. settings please, at least as far as back of amp goes and what ind of tubes? are they all el34? or are they stock 6l6?
Hey guys,

I used 6L6's in the power section in all of the clips except the one that said 'EL34'...but those were actually E34L's wich have a tighter low end than EL34's. In that clip I used a pair of 6L6's and a pair of E34L's.

It' been a while since I had my Mark IV, but I think my settings were something like this...

Lead Gain 8 (pulled out)
Lead Drive 8 (pulled out)
Bass 3
Mids 3
Treble 6
Presence 3

and the EQ looked something like this


I used a few different guitars in those clips...a '79 Gibson Les Paul Custom with EMG's, an LTD EC400AT with Duncans (for the DT clip) and an '84 Gibson Explorer.
Lol nitro seems I know more about your settings than you do. I remember you telling us your settings a while back so I looked at your posts and, bam, found your pics and settings.

"Lead Channel: Full power, harmonics, simul, and pentode

Lead gain 8 (pulled out)
Lead drive 8 (pulled out)
Presence 6 (pulled out)
mids 10
bass 3
treble 7

I’ve found that I have better luck keeping the bass down on the amp and boosting it with the graphic EQ rather than the other way around. I also boost the mids with the amp's EQ controls, and then scoop out the certain frequencies that I don't want with the graphic EQ as well. I think I had my graphic EQ set around here."
I can't seem to post the pics you sent a while back but the 80hz was right above the mid line, 250? on the mid line or slightly above, 750 looked below the bottom line or all the way to the bottom, 2200 same as 250?, and 6600 all the way to the top line.

The pic you gave us according to your was for your lead solo clips.

I tried out your settings and to be honest with the EQ shaped the way it was turned out WAY too thrasy and thin for me as if I was playing Metal Zone.

Anyway, those are Nitro's settings guys :lol: