Triaxis LD1 Red volume drop, tube suggestions

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Sep 13, 2005
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I just bought a Triaxis V2 serial# T-7371 so I assume it has phat mod. There is a significant volume drop when switching to LD1 Red. All other modes are pretty equal in volume so is this a normal function of the phat mod? Also, is there a way to do a factory reset? I could also use some suggestions on tubes for it - I play heavy, tight prog/power metal so I need tubes that can provide detail and not too much gain. It came with EH 12AX7's, but I've heard good things about JJ's also.
Hey there,
You could try replacing the tubes in V1 & 2 with Mesa SPAX7's. I mentioned this in another post, but ultimately these tubes in these positions will make your Triaxis sound clearer. The SPAX7's are a low microphonic tube. V1 & V1 are the input stage tubes for Lead 1 (V1) and all the other modes (V2). These two tube positions are the most susceptible to tube microphonics, so replacing the regular 12AX7's with SPAX7's in those two positions will enable you to push your preamp a little harder without worrying about tube microphonics, and as a bonus your Triaxis will sound better.

To restore the factory presets on your Triaxis you have to push the "shift" key once, then push the "mode" key. This will restore programs 1 to 20 back to their factory settings. If you wish to overwrite these programs at a later date then all you need to do is push the "shift" key once then push the "loop sw" key.

Catch ya later........Joe :)
ive got the JJ tubes from eurotubes in my TA. They sound fine.
LD1RED DOES indeed have a small volume drop. But you will find that the Dynamic voice is always used on the presets using the LD2 modes, and the DV really boosts the volume, whereas LD1 is supposed to be used without DV so thats why LD! red sounds softer than other modes. That, an the tone controls are PRE-tube, whereas LD2 modes have the tone controls POST tube.
Thanks for the info - it all makes sense now. I orderd JJecc83s tubes from Eurotubes.