Power Tube Questions??

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Michigan
Hey guys has anyone tried a quartet of Winged C’s in they JP? If so what do you think? Likewise if you’ve swapped to a different 6L6 what have you tried and liked? Thanks in advance for the input.

I recently changed the 6L6s in one of my JP-2Cs for JJ. I wouldn’t say I have a tonal preference between those and the STR-440s, but they were definitely good enough for me to buy a second quad of JJs for my spares. The price difference in the UK is pretty compelling too.
I have two quartets of =C=. One set is from the early 90's sold under the GT as gold R2. The other was a last time purchase of the SED =C= before the prices made them too expensive (and quality of the tubes in question, may be seconds or worse). Odd that I have not tried them in the JP-2C, probably because I used them extensively in the Mark V and the status of their condition is questionable. I guess I am happy with the amp as is and not ready to void my warranty.