Mk1 mode question

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Feb 16, 2017
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There might be something wrong with my mk1 mode. When I turn all tonecontrols to zero thers is still sound. Could somebody please try this. The old mk1 was a fender kind of preamp and those tone controls did not let signals trough standing at zero.
It's normal, mine acts the same. It does the same in edge mode too. Couldn't tell you why though, sorry.
The Mark I mode is not a perfect recreation, instead I'd maybe consider it a hot rodded homage circuit to the Mark I Lead tones. It's still got a similar, fender style EQ circuit, but it's probably not wired for them to shunt completely to ground when they're rolled all the way down.
On a side note, underappreciated mode, i think its awesome. You can get great old school rhythm tones out of it.
As an old Boogie guy ( got my MK2 in 82 ) I love the MK1 mode
but from what I can tell the tone controls do nothing / almost nothing in this mode on the MKV , I am new to the MKV could there be something wrong with mine
I used the EQ to get a killer tone so Im not unhappy just wonder if I need to look into this further

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