Royal Atlantic cab for a Mark V head?

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Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Wilmington Delaware
I just bought a Mark V head which I love! Right now I'm playing it out of a Marshall 4x12 with G12 T-75 speakers. It sounds great. But, I don't want to carry around a 4x12 cab with the Mark. I want a full bodied sound. I'm thinking two Royal Atlantic 2x12 cabs. I'd use both for bigger gigs and outside gigs, and just use one for studio, rehearsal, and small gigs. Does that make sense? I have a feeling I might not be happy with the smaller 1x12 wide bodies. Does anyone have an opinion, or better yet has anyone had experience with the Mark V and Royal Atlantic 2x12 cab together?
I use a vert recto 2x12 and a 1x12(express) as a "3/4" stack. Sounds quite good to me, and easier to move than a 4x12. Most users here I believe have a recto cab with the mark v... To add a little extra ummph.

Sorry I have no xperience with the RA Cab.
This cab sounds pretty good on its own. I run it with my widebody front ported cab when I need more oomph.



Jamland said:
I just bought a Mark V head which I love! Right now I'm playing it out of a Marshall 4x12 with GT 75 speakers. It sounds great. But, I don't want to carry around a 4x12 cab with the Mark. I want a full bodied sound. I'm thinking two Royal Atlantic 2x12 cabs. I'd use both for bigger gigs and outside gigs, and just use one for studio, rehearsal, and small gigs. Does that make sense? I have a feeling I might not be happy with the smaller 1x12 wide bodies. Does anyone have an opinion, or better yet has anyone had experience with the Mark V and Royal Atlantic 2x12 cab together?

I have an Electra Dyne 27" 1x12, which I'm pretty sure is the same cab as the Royal Atlantic you're looking at with a single speaker instead of two.

It sounds great with every amp I've tried it with, including the Mark V. Very full sounding response that doesn't have the boxy sound i typically associate with 1x12 cabs. I presume it's due to the large baffle board allowing more flex and a lower frequency response compared to the 23" wide cabs.

I'm not sure how the 27" 2x12 compares to the 1x12, so maybe someone could fill in the missing details...

For comparison's sake I also own a pair of Widebody cabs. I wish they were a pair of Royal Atlantic cabs if it says anything...
Thanks guys. I'm going to order a 2x12 tomorrow. The cab comes with vintage 30s. I'm going to have the manager at Guitar Center who I'm dealing with ask his Mesa rep what he thinks will be the best speakers for my use which is basically to be the most versatile tone wise. To me the Royal Atlantic 2x12 is a really nice looking cab. The Mark V head should look great, and I'm pretty sure should sound great through that cab. When I get it in I'll post a review and a picture.
The stock options are typically MC90s or V30s.

IMO, MC90s are better for classic rock, blues rock, country... stuff like that. They're a little flatter in response, have a brighter top and bigger bottom end, are a bit more articulate and have a bit of crunch to them.

V30s are better for modern rock, hard rock or metal of pretty much any sort. They have more midrange, less top and bottom end, and produce a lot more punch.

I favour V30s for the smoother top end combined with the, sledgehammer percussive response when riffing, but both have their place.
The order's in. It'll come with 90s as per the recommendation by Barry at Mesa based on my wants of the cab being able to be versatile, but on the rock side. The order is supposed to be filled within :) two weeks. Cool!!
Here it is:

So it ended up coming with two V30s instead of the 90s. I don't know why, that's not what I thought I ordered but anyway, it sounds great and as you can tell looks great under the V head. I'm going to get another one and stack them up or spread depending on the situation. I might put different speakers next time, I'm not sure. Any suggestions?
Order the next one with two C90s. Then swap out one out of each cab, that way you have two cabs with a C90 & a V30. Instal them so when their stacked they're in an "X" pattern.
I thought of that. That sounds like a good idea. The amp sound great right now, but I miss the sound of the higher (height) speakers that 4x12s give, as well as a bit more bassiness.
Here's a pic of my Mark V on a Royal Atlantic 112. I just got the cab yesterday. Ordered it with a V30 but I'm wondering if I shouldn't have got the C90. The V30 sounds great with the second channel but I've been playing the Mark V through the C90 in my TA-30 combo and I think the C90 may be a little more versatile.

I really like the look of the RA Cabs there. The whole thing looks tight. I bet sounds great too. Nice rig!