Looking for info on how to convert to an adjustable bias.

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2008
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Can anyone help me? Ive seen places online that will install the kit for $100-$200. Im looking for DIY instructions or a DIY kit.
If you don't already know, you probably ought'nt try it yourself. If you get it wrong, you can really screw the pooch. You're basically replacing a fixed resistor (or series of resistors) with a rheostat (variable resistor) or potentiometer (voltage divider).

Look up Monsta-Tone on this board. He's a great tech and he converted my Mk. III to variable adjustable bias and did a great job. Can't recommend him enough.
it is just better to order tubes and let the vendor know it is for a recto and you want them to have a hotter bias. Honestly y ou dont want to get the bias too hot on the recto's as the primary distortion is pre-amp, when you start mixing the large amounts of pre-amp distortion with power amp distortion it really does not do the recto well. But in hindsight you want to have the tubes a little bit hotter then factory so this way the bias is not to low.