This is good for a laugh

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Well I did some calculating:

neck: 4000$
body: 2500$
pickguard: 150$
switch tip: 500$
switch: 500$
tremelo tip: 500$
tuners: 150$
neck plate: 250$
bridge: 150$
graphite saddles: 30$
tremelo claw: 50$
tremelo bar: 75 $
pickup: 200$ x 3 = 600$
pickup cover: 200$ x 3 = 600$
pot = 250$ x 3 = 750$
capacitor!!! = 300$ x 2 (you could do with 1) = 600$
knobs = 250$
case (missing pockeT!!) = 1250 $
=12 905$

So you can make a beautiful DIY fender for only 12 905$, with all orignal (NICE!!! ;)) parts, but you still need something to connect your guitar cable(500$ i guess :mrgreen: ) and your case misses a pocket. You should ask for a nice guitar cable (1960 original NICE!!) cuz it isn't listed... Sounds like a great deal!
The Mark IIC+ 2000$ and the extension cab for 1250$ would make it perfect for only 16 155$. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
wow,she dropped it to 1250-whatta sport
I looked at some of the purchases others had made-somebody bought a vintage guitar case for 1200 from her/others looked basic, then I got tired of looking-interested to see how many high $$ vintage sales have been made