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  1. M

    DC-3 with Celestion V30's

    Price dropped to $500 shipped
  2. M

    DC-3 with Celestion V30's

    May I bump?
  3. M

    DC-3 with Celestion V30's

    Original Footswitch included!
  4. M

    DC-3 with Celestion V30's

    Hi, Would rather not post on eBay! You don't need me to go into detail on how awesome this monster is. There's a DC fan club for a reason! $500 shipped conus. Thanks!
  5. M

    Just bought a DC-3 off eBay!

    Thanks guys!
  6. M

    Just bought a DC-3 off eBay!

    I wouldn't do this myself. I work with a very skilled electrical engineer (working with video cameras, decks, etc) and he offered to do it as long as I get schematics for him. If I tell him "One 470k resistor piggy backed on the 120k resistor in the bias supply" and supply the schematics and...
  7. M

    Just bought a DC-3 off eBay!

    Please point me towards to the mod!!
  8. M

    Just bought a DC-3 off eBay!

    Can't wait to plug in an try this beast out! Now, time to move my F-30!